
See theLayerHcRArr companion object
class LayerHcRArr[A](val outerArrayUnsafe: Array[Array[A]], val gridSys: HGridSys)(implicit ct: ClassTag[A]) extends HCenArrLayer[A, RArr[A]]

A HGridSys HCen data layer of RArrs.


trait HCenArrLayer[A, RArr[A]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

override def apply(hc: HCen): RArr[A]

Returns the Arr data for the given HCen coordinate. There is a name over load of this method that takes the integer R and C components as parameters.

Returns the Arr data for the given HCen coordinate. There is a name over load of this method that takes the integer R and C components as parameters.


Definition Classes
override def apply(r: Int, c: Int): RArr[A]

Returns the Arr data for the given HCen coordinate. There is a name over load of this method that takes the HCen class as a parameter.

Returns the Arr data for the given HCen coordinate. There is a name over load of this method that takes the HCen class as a parameter.


Definition Classes
def applyUnsafe(hc: HCen): Array[A]
def applyUnsafe(r: Int, c: Int): Array[A]
def copy: LayerHcRArr[A]
def emptyTile(r: Int, c: Int): Boolean

Checks if the Arr is empty for the given HCen.

Checks if the Arr is empty for the given HCen.


def emptyTile(hc: HCen): Boolean

Checks if the Arr is empty for the given HCen.

Checks if the Arr is empty for the given HCen.


override def foreach(f: RArr[A] => Unit): Unit

Foreachs over each tile's Arr.

Foreachs over each tile's Arr.


Definition Classes
override def foreachHcForeach(f: (HCen, A) => Unit)(implicit gSys: HGridSys): Unit

Foreach's over the element of the arrays with their respective HCens. Applying the side effecting function.

Foreach's over the element of the arrays with their respective HCens. Applying the side effecting function.


Definition Classes
def headsFlatMap[BB <: Arr[_]](f: (HCen, A) => BB)(implicit build: BuilderArrFlat[BB]): BB

flatMaps over the the first element of each tile's data Array. Ignores empty arrays and subsequent elements.

flatMaps over the the first element of each tile's data Array. Ignores empty arrays and subsequent elements.


def headsHcFlatMap[ArrT <: Arr[_]](f: (A, HCen) => ArrT)(implicit build: BuilderArrFlat[ArrT]): ArrT

FlatMaps the head values of the Arr, if the Arr is none empty, with the corresponding HCen to a Seqimut.

FlatMaps the head values of the Arr, if the Arr is none empty, with the corresponding HCen to a Seqimut.


def headsMap[B, BB <: Arr[B]](f: (HCen, A) => B)(implicit gSys: HGridSys, build: BuilderArrMap[B, BB]): BB

Maps over the the first element of each tile's data Array. Ignores empty arrays and subsequent elements.

Maps over the the first element of each tile's data Array. Ignores empty arrays and subsequent elements.


override def iApply(index: Int): RArr[A]

Returns the Arr at the given integer index. This method is called iApply rather than apply as end users should have to use it, preferring instead the apply methods referencing the tile data by the HCen.

Returns the Arr at the given integer index. This method is called iApply rather than apply as end users should have to use it, preferring instead the apply methods referencing the tile data by the HCen.


Definition Classes
override def iForeach(f: (Int, RArr[A]) => Unit): Unit

Foreachs over each tile's Arr with a preceding index.

Foreachs over each tile's Arr with a preceding index.


Definition Classes
def moveIfUnsafe(origCen: HCen, targetCen: HCen, pred: A => Boolean): Unit

Takes an element that fulfills a predicate from one tile location and appends it to the Array at the target location.

Takes an element that fulfills a predicate from one tile location and appends it to the Array at the target location.


def moveUnsafe(origCen: HCen, targetCen: HCen, value: A): Unit

Takes an element from one tile location and appends it to the Array at the target location.

Takes an element from one tile location and appends it to the Array at the target location.


def mutateMoveUnsafe(origCen: HCen, targetCen: HCen, pred: A => Boolean)(f: A => A): Unit

Takes an element from one tile location, mutates it and then appends it to target location.

Takes an element from one tile location, mutates it and then appends it to target location.


def nonEmptyTile(r: Int, c: Int): Boolean
def prepend(r: Int, c: Int, value: A): Unit

Prepends to tile's Arr.

Prepends to tile's Arr.


def prepend(hc: HCen, value: A): Unit

Prepends to tile's Arr.

Prepends to tile's Arr.


def projEmptyHcPtMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: (HCen, Pt2) => B)(implicit proj: HSysProjection, build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB
def projEmptyHcPtMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](proj: HSysProjection)(f: (HCen, Pt2) => B)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB
def projHeadsHcPtMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: (A, HCen, Pt2) => B)(implicit proj: HSysProjection, build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Uses projection to map the head data value with the corresponding HCen and the projections corresponding Pt2 to an element of type B. In most cases B will be a GraphicElem or a subtype.

Uses projection to map the head data value with the corresponding HCen and the projections corresponding Pt2 to an element of type B. In most cases B will be a GraphicElem or a subtype.


def projHeadsHcPtMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](proj: HSysProjection)(f: (A, HCen, Pt2) => B)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Uses projection to map the Some head value with the corresponding HCen and the projections corresponding Pt2 to an element of type B. In most cases B will be a GraphicElem or a subtype.

Uses projection to map the Some head value with the corresponding HCen and the projections corresponding Pt2 to an element of type B. In most cases B will be a GraphicElem or a subtype.


def projSomesHcPtMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: (RArr[A], HCen, Pt2) => B)(implicit proj: HSysProjection, build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB
def projSomesHcPtMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](proj: HSysProjection)(f: (RArr[A], HCen, Pt2) => B)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Uses projection to map the non empty ArrSome head value with the corresponding HCen and the projections corresponding Pt2 to an element of type B. In most cases B will be a GraphicElem or a subtype.

Uses projection to map the non empty ArrSome head value with the corresponding HCen and the projections corresponding Pt2 to an element of type B. In most cases B will be a GraphicElem or a subtype.


def set1(r: Int, c: Int, value: A): Unit
def setArr(hc: HCen, values: A*): Unit
def setArr(r: Int, c: Int, values: A*): Unit
def setArray(hc: HCen, newArray: Array[A]): Unit
def setFSomesMut(f: () => A, hCens: Int*)(implicit ct: ClassTag[A]): Unit
def setSame(value: A, hcs: HCen*): Unit
def setSameInts(value: A, hcs: Int*): Unit
def tileHeadGet(hCen: HCen): A

Inherited methods

final def hcMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B], LayerT <: HCenArrLayer[B, ArrB]](f: (HCen, RArr[A]) => ArrB)(implicit builder: HCenArrLayerBuilder[B, ArrB, LayerT]): LayerT

Maps each tile's HCen with its respective Arr to a new Arr.

Maps each tile's HCen with its respective Arr to a new Arr.


Inherited from:
final def map[B, ArrB <: Arr[B], LayerT <: HCenArrLayer[B, ArrB]](f: RArr[A] => ArrB)(implicit builder: HCenArrLayerBuilder[B, ArrB, LayerT]): LayerT

Maps from this HCenArrLayer to an HCenArrLayer type ArrB.

Maps from this HCenArrLayer to an HCenArrLayer type ArrB.


Inherited from:
def mapHCMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B], LayerT <: HCenArrLayer[B, ArrB]](f: (HCen, A) => B)(implicit layerBBuild: HCenArrLayerBuilder[B, ArrB, LayerT]): LayerT

Maps from ArrA to ArrBs by mapping each element A, with the respective HCen to an element B.

Maps from ArrA to ArrBs by mapping each element A, with the respective HCen to an element B.


Inherited from:
def mapHcFlatMap[ArrT <: Arr[_]](f: (A, HCen) => ArrT)(implicit build: BuilderArrFlat[ArrT]): ArrT

FlatMaps the elements of each Arr with the corresponding HCen to a Arr.

FlatMaps the elements of each Arr with the corresponding HCen to a Arr.


Inherited from:
def mapMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B], LayerT <: HCenArrLayer[B, ArrB]](f: A => B)(implicit layerBBuild: HCenArrLayerBuilder[B, ArrB, LayerT]): LayerT

Maps from ArrA to ArrBs by mapping each element A to an element B.

Maps from ArrA to ArrBs by mapping each element A to an element B.


Inherited from:
def numTiles: Int

The number of tile's in this data layer.

The number of tile's in this data layer.


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

The HGridSys hex grid system that is the key to this tile data layer

The HGridSys hex grid system that is the key to this tile data layer
