
class DoubleGlobeExtensions(thisDouble: Double)

Globe extensions class for Doubles.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

Extension method returns a longitude where this [Double] is the value east specified in degrees. A Double -180 > d < 0 returns a western value.

Extension method returns a longitude where this [Double] is the value east specified in degrees. A Double -180 > d < 0 returns a western value.


infix def ll(longDegs: Double): LatLong

infix extension method for creating a latitude-longitude value LatLong. This Double is the latitude specified in degrees. The operand parameter is the longitude specified in degrees.

infix extension method for creating a latitude-longitude value LatLong. This Double is the latitude specified in degrees. The operand parameter is the longitude specified in degrees.


Extension method returns a latitude where this Double is the value north specified in degrees. A Double -180 > d < 0 returns a southern value.

Extension method returns a latitude where this Double is the value north specified in degrees. A Double -180 > d < 0 returns a southern value.


Extension method returns a latitude where this Double is the value south specified in degrees. A Double -180 > d < 0 returns a northern value.

Extension method returns a latitude where this Double is the value south specified in degrees. A Double -180 > d < 0 returns a northern value.


Extension method returns a longitude where this Double is the value west specified in degrees. A Double -180 > d < 0 returns an eastern value.

Extension method returns a longitude where this Double is the value west specified in degrees. A Double -180 > d < 0 returns an eastern value.
