trait ValueNElem extends SpecialT
A class that can be constructed from a fixed number of homogeneous primitive values such as Ints, Doubles or Longs. The final class can be stored as * an Array of primitive values. Note the classes that extend this trait do not extend Product or its numbered sub traits, because the logical size of the product may not be the same as the number of primitive values, for example a LineSeg is a product of 2 Pt2s, but is composed from 4 Double values.
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait SpecialTclass Any
- Known subtypes
trait LineSegLike[VT]trait LineSegLikeDblN[VT]trait LineSegLikeDbl4[VT]class LineSegLLclass LineSegclass LineSegM2trait LineSegLikeDbl6[VT]class LineSeg3trait LineSegLikeIntN[VT]trait LineSegLikeInt4[VT]class LineSegHCclass LineSegSCtrait LineSegLikeInt6[VT]class LineSegHvOffsetclass LineSegM3trait DblNElemtrait PointDblNtrait PointDbl2class LatLongclass Pt2class PtM2trait PointDbl3class Pt3class PtM3trait Dbl1Elemclass Angletrait AngleLikeclass Latitudeclass Longitudeclass AngleVectrait Dbl2Elemclass MyDbl2Elemtrait TellElemDbl2trait Vec2Likeclass Vec2trait length2Mclass Vec2Mtrait Dbl3Elemtrait Vec3Likeclass Vec3trait Dbl4Elemtrait Dbl5Elemtrait Dbl6Elemtrait Dbl7Elemclass CurveTailclass DistCurveTailtrait IntNElemtrait Int1Elemtrait LuUniLevelobject ArmyGroupobject Battaletteobject Battalionobject Brigadeobject Companyobject Corpetteobject Corpsobject Divisetteobject Divisionobject Echelonobject FieldArmetteobject FieldArmytrait LunitSoleLikeobject FirePairobject FireTeamobject LunitSoleobject Platoonobject Regimentobject Squadetteobject TheatreArmyobject ZugSecttrait HVDirnOpttrait HVDirntrait HVDirnPrimaryobject HVDLobject HVDRobject HVDnobject HVULobject HVURobject HVUpobject HVLtobject HVRtobject HVExactclass HVOffsetDeltatrait TStepLiketrait HStepLiketrait HStepobject HexDLobject HexDRobject HexLtobject HexRtobject HexULobject HexURobject HStepStaytrait SqStepLiketrait SqSteptrait SqStepDiagobject SqDLobject SqDRobject SqULobject SqURtrait SqStepPerpobject SqDnobject SqLtobject SqRtobject SqUpobject SqStepStaytrait TStepSidedclass Colourclass MTimetrait Int2Elemtrait TellElemInt2trait TCoordtrait HCoordtrait HNotVerttrait HCenOrSepclass HCentrait HSepclass HSepAclass HSepBclass HSepCclass HCoordOthertrait HVertclass HVertHighclass HVertLowtrait SqCoordtrait SqCenOrSepclass SqCenclass SqSepclass SqVerttrait TCenOrSeptrait TCentrait TSeptrait TVerttrait Int3Elemclass HCenRowclass HCenStepclass HStepCenclass HvOffsetclass SqCenSteptrait Int4Elemtrait Int5Elemtrait Int6Elemtrait LongNElemtrait Long1Elem
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