
See theSeqLike companion object
trait SeqLike[+A]

Sequence-defined efficient final classes backed by Arrays, ArrayBuffers etc. Includes actual sequences both mutable and immutable as well as classes such as polygons and line paths that are defined by a sequence of data elements. So for example a Polygon in the Geom module is defined by a sequence of points, but is a different type to the Pt2s class which is the immutable sequence class for 2-dimensional points. includes expandable buffers.


class Any
Known subtypes
trait PointSeqLike[PT]
trait PointDblNSeqLike[PT]
trait PointDbl2SeqLike[PT]
trait Pt2SeqLike
class PolygonGen
class Pt2Arr
trait Pt2SeqSpec
class LinePath
trait Polygon
trait Polygon3Plus
trait Polygon4Plus
trait Polygon5Plus
trait Polygon6Plus
class DoDeclign
trait HexReg
class HexRegImp
trait Hexlign
class HexParrX
class HexParrY
trait Rectangle
trait PhiRectangle
class PhiRect
class PhiRectY
trait Rect
object NoBounds
class RectImp
class Sqlign
class RectangleImp
trait Square
class SquareImp
trait Triangle
class TriangleImp
trait TriangleIsos
class TriangleEqui
trait BoolSeqLike
class BoolArr
trait BoolSeqSpec
trait RefsSeqLike[A]
class RArr[A]
trait SeqLikeValueN[A]
trait ArrValueN[A]
trait ArrDblN[A]
trait LineSegLikeDblNArr[VT, A]
trait LineSegLikeDbl4Arr[VT, A]
class LineSegLLArr
class LineSegArr
trait LineSegLikeDbl6Arr[VT, A]
trait ArrDbl1[A]
class Angles
trait ArrDbl2[A]
class LatLongArr
class PtKm2Arr
class PtM2Arr
class Vec2Arr
class VecKm2Arr
class VecM2Arr
class MyDbl2Arr
trait ArrDbl3[A]
class Pt3Arr
class PtKm3Arr
class PtM3Arr
trait ArrDbl5[A]
trait ArrDbl6[A]
class LineSegM3Arr
trait ArrDbl7[A]
trait Dbl4Arr[A]
class LineSegM2Arr
trait ArrIntN[A]
trait ArrInt1[A]
class HStepArr
class HStepLikeArr
class HVDirnArr
class SqStepArr
class ColourArr
trait ArrInt2[A]
class HCenArr
class HCoordArr
class HSepArr
class HVertArr
class SqCenArr
class SqCoordArr
class SqVertArr
trait ArrInt3[A]
class HCenRowArr
class HCenStepArr
class HStepCenArr
class HvOffsetArr
class SqCenStepArr
trait ArrInt4[A]
class LineSegHCArr
class LineSegSCArr
trait ArrInt5[A]
trait ArrInt6[A]
trait ArrLongN[A]
trait ArrLong1[A]
trait SeqLikeDblN[A]
trait SeqLikeDbl2[A]
class LinePathLL
class PolygonLL
trait SeqSpecDbl2[A]
trait LinePathDbl2[VT]
class LinePathKm2
class LinePathM2
trait PolygonLikeDbl2[VT]
trait PolygonLength2[VT]
class PolygonKm2
class PolygonM2
trait SeqLikeDbl3[A]
trait SeqSpecDbl3[A]
trait LinePathDbl3[VT]
class LinePathKm3
class LinePathM3
trait PolygonLikeDbl3[VT]
trait PolygonLength3[VT]
class PolygonKm3
class PolygonM3
trait SeqLikeDbl4[A]
trait Dbl4SeqSpec[A]
trait SeqLikeDbl5[A]
trait SeqSpecDbl5[A]
trait SeqLikeDbl6[A]
trait Dbl6SeqSpec[A]
trait SeqLikeDbl7[A]
trait SeqSpecDbl7[A]
class ShapeGenOld
trait SeqSpecDblN[A]
trait LinePathDblN[VT]
trait PolygonLikeDblN[VT]
trait SeqLikeIntN[A]
trait SeqLikeInt1[A]
trait SeqSpecInt1[A]
trait SeqLikeInt2[A]
class LinePathHC
class PolygonHC
trait HVertSeqLike
class PolygonSqC
trait SeqSpecInt2[A]
trait LinePathInt2[VT]
trait PolygonLikeInt2[VT]
class HTilePolygon
trait SeqLikeInt3[A]
trait SeqSpecInt3[A]
trait PolygonLikeInt3[VT]
trait SeqLikeInt4[A]
trait SeqSpecInt4[A]
trait SeqLikeInt5[A]
trait SeqSpecInt5[A]
trait SeqLikeInt6[A]
trait SeqSpecInt6[A]
trait SeqSpecIntN[A]
trait LinePathIntN[VT]
trait PolygonLikeIntN[VT]
trait SeqLikeLongN[A]
trait SeqSpecLongN[A]
trait SeqSpecValueN[A]
trait PolygonValueN[VT]
trait SeqSpec[A]
trait LinePathLike[VT]
trait PolygonLike[VT]
trait Sequ[A]
trait Arr[A]
trait LineSegLikeArr[VT, A]
trait ArrArrayDbl[A]
class PolygonLLArr
class PolygonM2Arr
class PolygonM3Arr
trait ArrNoParam[A]
class CharArr
class DblArr
class FloatArr
class IntArr
class LongArr
class StrArr
trait ArrPair[A1, A1Arr, A2, A]
trait PairArrFinalA1[A1, A1Arr, A2, A]
trait LineSegLikePairArr[VT, A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait LineSegLikeDblNPairArr[VT, A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait LineSegLikeDbl4PairArr[VT, A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class LineSegPairArr[A2]
trait LineSegLikeIntNPairArr[VT, A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait LineSegLikeInt4PairArr[VT, A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class LineSegHCPairArr[A2]
class LineSegSCPairArr[A2]
trait PointPairArr[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait PointDblNPairArr[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait PointDbl2PairArr[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class LatLongPairArr[A2]
class Pt2PairArr[A2]
trait PointDbl3PairArr[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class PtKm3PairArr[A2]
class PtM3PairArr[A2]
trait ArrPairDblN[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait ArrPairDbl3[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait ArrPairDbl4[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait PairArrPairDbl2[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait ArrPairIntN[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait ArrPairInt1[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class HStepPairArr[A2]
trait ArrPairInt2[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class HCenPairArr[A2]
class HSepArrPair[A2]
class SqCenPairArr[A2]
trait ArrPairInt3[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class HCenStepPairArr[A2]
class SqCenStepPairArr[A2]
trait ArrPairInt4[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class ArrPairStr[A2]
trait ArrayIntBackedPairArr[A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class HStepArrPairArr[A2]
class HStepPathPairArr[A2]
trait SeqLikeIntNPairArr[A1E, A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
trait PolygonLikeIntNPairArr[A1V, A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class PolygonHCPairArr[A2]
trait SeqLikePairArr[A1E, A1, A1Arr, A2, A]
trait PolygonLikePairArr[A1V, A1, A1Arr, A2, A]
trait PolygonLikeDblNPairArr[A1V, A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class PolygonLLPairArr[A2]
class PolygonKm3PairArr[A2]
trait PolygonLikeDbl2PairArr[A1V, A1, ArrA1, A2, A]
class PolygonGenPairArr[A2]
class PolygonKm2PairArr[A2]
class PolygonM2PairArr[A2]
class PolygonM3PairArr[A2]
trait SeqLikeDblNPairArr[A1E, A1, A1Arr, A2, A]
class RPairArr[A1, A2]
class HStepArrArr
class HStepPathArr
class PolygonHCArr
class MultipleArr[A]
trait BuffSequ[A]
trait ArrayIntBuff[A]
class BooleanBuff
trait BuffArrayDbl[A]
class BuffDbl
trait BuffPair[B1, B2, B]
trait LineSegLikePairBuff[VT, B1, B2, B]
trait BuffPairDblN[B1, B2, B]
trait BuffPairDbl2[A1, A2, A]
class LatLongPairBuff[B2]
class Pt2PairBuff[A2]
trait BuffPairDbl3[B1, B2, B]
class PtKm3PairBuff[B2]
class PtM3PairBuff[B2]
trait BuffPairDbl4[B1, B2, B]
class LineSegPairBuff[B2]
trait BuffPairIntN[B1, B2, B]
trait BuffPairInt1[A1, A2, A]
class HStepPairBuff[A2]
trait BuffPairInt2[A1, A2, A]
class HCenPairBuff[B2]
class HSepBuffPair[B2]
trait BuffPairInt3[A1, A2, A]
class HCenStepPairBuff[A2]
class SqCenStepPairBuff[A2]
trait BuffPairInt4[B1, B2, B]
class LineSegHCPairBuff[B2]
class LineSegSCPairBuff[B2]
class BuffPairStr[B2]
class RPairBuff[B1, B2]
trait SeqLikePairBuff[A1E, A1, A2, A]
trait SeqLikeDblNPairBuff[B1E, B1, B2, B]
class PolygonLLPairBuff[A2]
class PolygonGenPairBuff[A2]
class PolygonKm2PairBuff[A2]
class PolygonKm3PairBuff[A2]
class PolygonM2PairBuff[A2]
class PolygonM3PairBuff[A2]
trait SeqLikeIntNPairBuff[B1E, B1, B2, B]
class PolygonHCPairBuff[A2]
trait BuffValueN[A]
trait BuffDblN[A]
trait BuffDbl2[B]
class LatLongBuff
class BuffPtKm2
class BuffPtM2
class Pt2Buff
class Vec2Buff
class VecKm2Buff
class VecM2Buff
class MinesBuff
trait BuffDbl4[A]
class LineSegBuff
trait BuffDbl5[A]
trait BuffDbl6[A]
trait Dbl3Buff[A]
class Pt3Buff
class PtKm3Buff
class PtM3Buff
trait BuffIntN[A]
trait BuffInt1[A]
class HStepBuff
class SqDirnBuff
class ColourBuff
trait BuffInt2[A]
class HCenBuff
class HCoordBuff
class HSepBuff
class HVertBuff
class SqCenBuff
class SqCoordBuff
class SqVertBuff
trait BuffInt3[A]
class HCenRowBuff
class HCenStepBuff
class HStepCenBuff
class HvOffsetBuff
trait BuffInt4[A]
trait BuffInt5[A]
trait BuffInt6[A]
trait BuffLongN[A]
trait BuffLong1[A, ArrA]
class FloatBuff
class IntBuff
class LongBuff
class MultipleBuff[A]
class RBuff[A]
class StringBuff
Show all

Members list

Type members


type ThisT <: SeqLike[A]

Gives the final type of this class.

Gives the final type of this class.


Value members

Abstract methods

The element String allows the composition of toString for the whole collection. The syntax of the output will be reworked.

The element String allows the composition of toString for the whole collection. The syntax of the output will be reworked.


def fElemStr: A => String
def setElemUnsafe(i: Int, newElem: A): Unit

Sets / mutates an element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.

Sets / mutates an element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.


def ssForeach[U](f: A => U): Unit

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying sequence in order.

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying sequence in order.


String specifying the type of this object.

String specifying the type of this object.


Concrete methods

def setElemsUnsafe(index: Int, elems: A*): Unit

Sets / mutates elements in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.

Sets / mutates elements in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.


override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes