
See theShape companion object
trait Shape extends Fillable, BoundedElem

A closed shape. It has vertices and the vertices are connected by straight lines or curved lines. Shape does not extend CurvePath but it does extend Fillable which extends Drawable.Not sure if Shape and Fillable should be seperate classes.


trait BoundedElem
trait Fillable
trait Drawable
trait GeomElem
class Any
Known subtypes
trait Polygon
trait Polygon3Plus
trait Polygon4Plus
trait Polygon5Plus
trait Polygon6Plus
class DoDeclign
trait HexReg
class HexRegImp
trait Hexlign
class HexParrX
class HexParrY
trait Rectangle
trait PhiRectangle
class PhiRect
class PhiRectY
trait Rect
object NoBounds
class RectImp
class Sqlign
class RectangleImp
trait Square
class SquareImp
trait Triangle
class TriangleImp
trait TriangleIsos
class TriangleEqui
class PolygonGen
trait ShapeCentred
trait Ellipse
class EllipseImp
trait Ellipselign
class Circle
trait RectStad
trait ShapeSegs
class ShapeGen
Show all

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

override def draw(lineWidth: Double, lineColour: Colour): ShapeDraw

Draws this geometric element to produce a GraphElem graphical element, that can be displayed or printed.

Draws this geometric element to produce a GraphElem graphical element, that can be displayed or printed.


Definition Classes
override def fill(fillColour: Colour): ShapeFill

Returns a fill graphic of this geometric object.

Returns a fill graphic of this geometric object.


Definition Classes
def fillActive(fillColour: Colour, pointerID: Any): ShapeCompound
def fillActiveText(fillColour: Colour, pointerEv: Any, str: String, fontRatio: Double, fontColour: Colour, align: TextAlign, baseLine: BaseLine, minSize: Double): ShapeCompound

ShapeCompound graphic with a FillFacet, a TextFacet and a ShapeActive child.

ShapeCompound graphic with a FillFacet, a TextFacet and a ShapeActive child.


override def fillDraw(fillColour: Colour, lineColour: Colour, lineWidth: Double): ShapeCompound

Returns a fill and draw graphic of this geometric object.

Returns a fill and draw graphic of this geometric object.


Definition Classes
override def fillInt(intValue: Int): ShapeFill

Returns a fill graphic of this geometric object from the Int RGBA value.

Returns a fill graphic of this geometric object from the Int RGBA value.


Definition Classes
override def negX: Shape

Mirror, reflection 2D geometric transformation across the X axis on a Shape returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.

Mirror, reflection 2D geometric transformation across the X axis on a Shape returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.


Definition Classes
override def negY: Shape

Mirror, reflection 2D geometric transformation across the X axis on a Shape returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.

Mirror, reflection 2D geometric transformation across the X axis on a Shape returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.


Definition Classes
override def prolign(matrix: ProlignMatrix): Shape

2D Transformation using a ProlignMatrix on a Shape, returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.

2D Transformation using a ProlignMatrix on a Shape, returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.


Definition Classes
def ptInside(pt: Pt2): Boolean

Determines if the parameter point lies inside this Circle.

Determines if the parameter point lies inside this Circle.


override def reflect(lineLike: LineLike): Shape

Reflect 2D geometric transformation across a line, line segment or ray on a Shape, returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.

Reflect 2D geometric transformation across a line, line segment or ray on a Shape, returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.


Definition Classes
override def rotate(angle: AngleVec): Shape

Rotation 2D geometric transformation on a Shape taking the rotation as a scalar measured in radians, returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.

Rotation 2D geometric transformation on a Shape taking the rotation as a scalar measured in radians, returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.


Definition Classes
override def rotate180: Shape

Rotation of 180 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a Drawable, returns a Drawable. The return type will be narrowed in subclasses and traits.

Rotation of 180 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a Drawable, returns a Drawable. The return type will be narrowed in subclasses and traits.


Definition Classes
override def rotate270: Shape

Rotation positive or anti clockwise 270 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a Drawable, returns a Drawable. The return type will be narrowed in subclasses and traits.

Rotation positive or anti clockwise 270 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a Drawable, returns a Drawable. The return type will be narrowed in subclasses and traits.


Definition Classes
override def rotate90: Shape

Rotation positive or anti-clockwise 90 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a Drawable, returns a Drawable. The return type will be narrowed in subclasses and traits.

Rotation positive or anti-clockwise 90 degrees, 2D geometric transformation on a Drawable, returns a Drawable. The return type will be narrowed in subclasses and traits.


Definition Classes
override def scale(operand: Double): Shape

Uniform scaling 2D geometric transformation on a Shape returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes. Use the xyScale method for differential scaling on the X and Y axes.

Uniform scaling 2D geometric transformation on a Shape returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes. Use the xyScale method for differential scaling on the X and Y axes.


Definition Classes
override def scaleXY(xOperand: Double, yOperand: Double): Shape

XY scaling 2D geometric transformation on a Shape returns a Shape. This allows different scaling factors across X and Y dimensions. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.

XY scaling 2D geometric transformation on a Shape returns a Shape. This allows different scaling factors across X and Y dimensions. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.


Definition Classes
override def shearX(operand: Double): Shape

Shear 2D geometric transformation along the X Axis on a Shape, returns a Shape. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.

Shear 2D geometric transformation along the X Axis on a Shape, returns a Shape. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.


Definition Classes
override def shearY(operand: Double): Shape

Shear 2D geometric transformation along the Y Axis on a Shape, returns a Shape. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.

Shear 2D geometric transformation along the Y Axis on a Shape, returns a Shape. The return type will be narrowed in sub classes and traits.


Definition Classes
override def slateXY(xDelta: Double, yDelta: Double): Shape

Translate 2D geometric transformation on a Shape returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.

Translate 2D geometric transformation on a Shape returns a Shape. The Return type will be narrowed in sub traits / classes.


Definition Classes

Concrete methods

def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean

This canEqual override allow the comparison of Shapes.

This canEqual override allow the comparison of Shapes.


Inherited methods


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
final def boundingCen: Pt2

The centre of the bounding rectangle. consider also using cenDefault.

The centre of the bounding rectangle. consider also using cenDefault.


Inherited from:

The height of the BoundingRect of this object.

The height of the BoundingRect of this object.


Inherited from:

The width of the BoundingRect of this object.

The width of the BoundingRect of this object.


Inherited from:


Inherited from:

If the geometric element has a defined centre then the cenDefault uses that, else it defaults to the centre of the bounding rectangle.

If the geometric element has a defined centre then the cenDefault uses that, else it defaults to the centre of the bounding rectangle.


Inherited from:
def fillOrDraw(lineWidth: Double, colour: Colour): GraphicElem

If this element is Fillable applies the fill method, ignoring the line width parameter, else applies the draw method.

If this element is Fillable applies the fill method, ignoring the line width parameter, else applies the draw method.


Inherited from:


Inherited from:

Inherited and Abstract methods

The bounding Rectangle provides an initial exclusion test as to whether the pointer is inside the polygon / shape

The bounding Rectangle provides an initial exclusion test as to whether the pointer is inside the polygon / shape


Inherited from: