
See thePersistTell2 companion trait
object PersistTell2


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


class PersistTell2Imp[A1, A2, A <: Tell2[A1, A2]](val typeStr: String, val name1: String, val name2: String, val shortKeys: ArrPairStr[A], val newT: (A1, A2) => A, val opt2: Option[A2], opt1In: Option[A1])(implicit val unshow1Ev: Unshow[A1], val unshow2Ev: Unshow[A2]) extends PersistTell2[A1, A2, A]

Class to provide both Show and Unshow type class instances for Tell2 objects.

Class to provide both Show and Unshow type class instances for Tell2 objects.


trait PersistTell2[A1, A2, A]
trait Unshow2[A1, A2, A]
trait Persist2[A1, A2]
trait Unshow2Plus[A1, A2, A]
trait Persist2Plus[A1, A2]
trait Persist1Plus[A1]
trait UnshowN[A]
trait PersistN
trait ShowTell2[A1, A2, A]
trait PersistTell[A]
trait Unshow[A]
trait ShowTell[A]
trait Show[A]
trait Persist
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[A1, A2, A <: Tell2[A1, A2]](typeStr: String, name1: String, name2: String, newT: (A1, A2) => A, opt2: Option[A2], opt1: Option[A1])(implicit unshow1Ev: Unshow[A1], unshow2Ev: Unshow[A2], classTag: ClassTag[A]): PersistTell2[A1, A2, A]

Factory apply method for creating PersistTell2 type type class instances / evidence.

Factory apply method for creating PersistTell2 type type class instances / evidence.


def explicit[A1, A2, A <: Tell2[A1, A2]](typeStr: String, name1: String, name2: String, newT: (A1, A2) => A, unshow1Ev: Unshow[A1], unshow2Ev: Unshow[A2], opt2: Option[A2], opt1: Option[A1])(implicit ct: ClassTag[A]): PersistTell2[A1, A2, A]

Factory method for creating PersistTell2 type class instances / evidence, by explicitly passing the Unshow type class instances for the two components.

Factory method for creating PersistTell2 type class instances / evidence, by explicitly passing the Unshow type class instances for the two components.


def shorts[A1, A2, A <: Tell2[A1, A2]](typeStr: String, name1: String, name2: String, shorts: ArrPairStr[A], newT: (A1, A2) => A, opt2: Option[A2], opt1: Option[A1])(implicit unshow1Ev: Unshow[A1], unshow2Ev: Unshow[A2], classTag: ClassTag[A]): PersistTell2[A1, A2, A]

Factory method for creating PersistTell2 type type class instances / evidence with short labels.

Factory method for creating PersistTell2 type type class instances / evidence with short labels.
