
trait BuilderSeqLikeMap[B, BB <: SeqLike[B]] extends BuilderCollMap[B, BB], BuilderSeqLike[BB]

Builder trait for map operations. This has the additional method of buffGrow(buff: BuffT, value: B): Unit. This method is not required for flatMap operations where the type of the element of the SeqLike that the builder is constructed may not be known at the point of dispatch.


trait BuilderSeqLike[BB]
trait BuilderCollMap[B, BB]
trait BuilderColl[BB]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Known subtypes
trait LinePathBuilder[B, BB]
trait LinePathBuilderValueN[B, BB]
trait LinePathIntNMapBuilder[B, BB]
trait LinePathInt2MapBuilder[B, BB]
trait LinePathMapBuilderDblN[B, BB]
trait LinePathDbl2Builder[B, BB]
trait LinePathDbl3MapBuilder[B, BB]
trait PolygonLikeBuilderMap[B, BB]
trait PolygonDblNBuilderMap[B, BB]
trait PolygonDbl2BuilderMap[B, BB]
trait PolygonDbl3BuilderMap[B, BB]
trait PolygonIntNBuilderMap[B, BB]
trait PolygonInt2BuilderMap[B, BB]
trait PolygonInt3BuilderMap[B, BB]
trait BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]
trait ArrayIntArrBuilder[A, ArrT]
trait BuilderArrPairMap[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait LineSegLikePairArrBuilder[B1V, B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrPairDblNMap[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrPairDbl2Map[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrPairDbl3[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrPairDbl4Map[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrPairIntNMap[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrPairIn1Map[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrPairInt2Map[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrPairInt3Map[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrPairInt4Map[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
class RPairArrMapBuilder[B1, B2]
trait SeqLikePairArrBuilder[B1E, B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait PolygonLikePairArrBuilder[B1V, B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait PolygonIntsLikePairArrBuilder[B1V, B1, ArrB1, A2, B, ArrB]
trait PolygonLikeDblNPairArrBuilder[B1V, B1, ArrB1, A2, B, ArrB]
trait SeqLikeDblNPairArrBuilder[B1E, B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
trait SeqLikeIntNPairArrBuilder[B1E, B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]
class PolygonHCPairBuild[A2]
trait BuilderArrValueNMap[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrDblNMap[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrDbl2Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrDbl3Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrDbl4Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrDbl5Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrDbl6Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrIntNMap[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrInt1Map[A, ArrT]
trait BuilderArrInt2Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrInt3Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrInt4Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrInt5Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderArrInt6Map[B, ArrB]
trait BuilderMapArrArrayDbl[A, ArrT]
object DblArrBuilder
object IntArrBuilder
class RArrAllBuilder[B]
trait BuilderSeqLikeDblNMap[B, BB]
trait BuilderSeqLikeDbl2Map[B, BB]
trait BuilderSeqLikeDbl3Map[B, BB]
trait BuilderSeqLikeIntNMap[B, BB]
trait BuilderSeqLikeInt2Map[B, BB]
trait BuilderSeqLikeInt3Map[B, BB]
trait BuilderSeqLikeInt4Map[B, BB]
trait BuilderSeqLikeInt5Map[B, BB]
trait BuilderSeqLikeInt6Map[B, BB]
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Members list

Type members


type BuffT <: BuffSequ[B]

BuffT can be inbuilt Jvm type like ArrayBuffer[Int] for B = Int and BB = Ints, or it can be a compile time wrapped Arraybuffer inheriting from BuffProdHomo.

BuffT can be inbuilt Jvm type like ArrayBuffer[Int] for B = Int and BB = Ints, or it can be a compile time wrapped Arraybuffer inheriting from BuffProdHomo.


Value members

Abstract methods

def indexSet(seqLike: BB, index: Int, newElem: B): Unit

Sets the value in a SeqLike of type BB. This is usually used in conjunction with uninitialised method.

Sets the value in a SeqLike of type BB. This is usually used in conjunction with uninitialised method.


def uninitialised(length: Int): BB

Creates a new uninitialised SeqLike of type BB of the given length.

Creates a new uninitialised SeqLike of type BB of the given length.


Concrete methods

def buffGrowIter(buff: BuffT, newElems: Iterable[B]): Unit

A mutable operation that extends the BuffSequ with the elements of the Iterable operand.

A mutable operation that extends the BuffSequ with the elements of the Iterable operand.


override def empty: BB

Creates a new empty SeqLike of type BB.

Creates a new empty SeqLike of type BB.


Definition Classes

Inherited and Abstract methods

def buffGrow(buff: BuffT, newElem: B): Unit

A mutable operation that extends the ArrayBuffer by a single element of type B.

A mutable operation that extends the ArrayBuffer by a single element of type B.


Inherited from:
def buffToSeqLike(buff: BuffT): BB

converts a buffer of the given type to the target compound class.

converts a buffer of the given type to the target compound class.


Inherited from:
def newBuff(length: Int): BuffT

Creates a new empty BuffSequ with a default capacity of 4 elements.

Creates a new empty BuffSequ with a default capacity of 4 elements.


Inherited from: