
trait Persist

Common super trait for TellDec, Show and Unshow. All of which inherit the typeStr property.


class Any
Known subtypes
trait PersistN
trait Persist1Plus[A1]
trait Persist1PlusRepeat[A1, Ar]
trait Persist1Repeat[A1, Ar, A]
class Show1OptRepeat[A1, Ar, A]
trait Show1Repeat[A1, Ar, A]
class Show1ArrayRepeat[A1, Ar, A]
class Unshow1OptRepeat[A1, Ar, A]
class Unshow1Repeat[A1, Ar, A]
trait Persist2Plus[A1, A2]
trait Persist2[A1, A2]
trait Show2[A1, A2, A]
class Persist2Both[A1, A2, A]
class Show2Imp[A1, A2, A]
trait ShowDbl2[A]
class PersistDbl2Both[A]
class ShowDbl2Imp[A]
trait ShowInt2[A]
class PersistInt2Both[A]
class ShowInt2Imp[A]
trait Tell2[A1, A2]
class Counter
object CounterA
object CounterB
object CounterC
object CounterD
object CounterE
class HexParrX
class HexParrY
class HexRegImp
class LineSeg
class Sqlign
class Army
trait HexMemShow[A]
class HCounter
class HSquad
class SGView
trait SqMemShow[A]
class SqCounter
trait TellDbl2
class LatLong
trait TellElemDbl2
class PtKm2
class PtM2
trait VecPt2
class Pt2
class Vec2
trait VecPtLength2
trait PtLength2
trait VecLength2
class VecKm2
class VecM2
trait VecPtKm2
trait VecPtM2
trait TellInt2
trait TellElemInt2
trait TCoord
trait HCoord
trait HNotVert
trait HCenOrSep
class HCen
trait HSep
class HSepA
class HSepB
class HSepC
class HCoordOther
trait HVert
class HVertHigh
class HVertLow
trait SqCoord
trait SqCenOrSep
class SqCen
class SqSep
class SqVert
trait TCenOrSep
trait TCen
trait TSep
trait TVert
trait Unshow2[A1, A2, A]
trait PersistTell2[A1, A2, A]
class PersistTell2Imp[A1, A2, A]
class PersistTellInt2[A]
class Unshow2Imp[A1, A2, A]
trait UnshowDbl2[A]
class UnshowDbl2Imp[A]
trait UnshowInt2[A]
class UnshowInt2Imp[A]
trait Persist3Plus[A1, A2, A3]
trait Persist3[A1, A2, A3]
trait Show3[A1, A2, A3, A]
class Persist3Both[A1, A2, A3, A]
class Show3Imp[A1, A2, A3, A]
trait ShowDbl3[A]
class PersistDbl3Both[A]
class ShowDbl3Imp[A]
trait ShowInt3[A]
class ShowInt3Imp[A]
trait Unshow3[A1, A2, A3, A]
class PersistTell3[A1, A2, A3, A]
class Unshow3Imp[A1, A2, A3, A]
trait UnshowDbl3[A]
class UnshowDbl3Imp[A]
class UnshowInt3[A]
trait Persist4Plus[A1, A2, A3, A4]
trait Persist4[A1, A2, A3, A4]
trait Show4[A1, A2, A3, A4, A]
class Show4Imp[A1, A2, A3, A4, A]
class ShowDbl4[A]
trait ShowInt4[A]
class ShowInt4Imp[A]
trait Tell4[A1, A2, A3, A4]
trait TellInt4
class HGridRect
trait Unshow4[A1, A2, A3, A4, A]
class Unshow4Imp[A1, A2, A3, A4, A]
trait UnshowDbl4[A]
class UnshowDbl4Imp[A]
trait UnshowInt4[A]
class UnshowInt4Imp[A]
trait Persist5Plus[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]
trait Persist5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]
trait Show5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A]
class Show5Imp[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A]
trait ShowInt5[A]
trait Unshow5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A]
class UnshowInt5[A]
trait Persist6Plus[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]
trait Persist6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]
trait Show6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A]
class Show6Imp[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A]
trait Unshow6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A]
trait Show6Plus[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A]
trait Unshow6Plus[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A]
trait Show5Plus[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A]
trait Unshow5Plus[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A]
trait Show4Plus[A1, A2, A3, A4, A]
trait Tell4Plused[A1, A2, A3, A4]
trait Unshow4Plus[A1, A2, A3, A4, A]
trait Show3Plus[A1, A2, A3, A]
trait Tell3Plused[A1, A2, A3]
trait Tell3[A1, A2, A3]
class Land
class HGView
trait TellDbl3
trait TellInt3
class HCenRow
trait Unshow3Plus[A1, A2, A3, A]
trait Show2PlusFixed[A1, A2, A]
trait Tell2Plused[A1, A2]
trait Unshow2Plus[A1, A2, A]
trait Show1Plus[A1, A]
trait Show1PlusFixed[A1, A]
trait Show1PlusOptRepeat[A1, Ar, A]
trait Show1PlusRepeat[A1, Ar, A]
trait ShowNFixed[A]
trait ShowTellN[A]
trait UnshowN[R]
trait PersistNRepeat[AR]
trait ShowNRepeat[Ar, A]
trait ShowNOptRepeat[Ar, A]
trait UnshowNRepeat[AR, A]
trait PersistSeq[A, SA]
trait ShowSeq[A, SA]
trait ShowIterable[A, SA]
class ShowIterableClass[A, R]
trait ShowSequ[A, SA]
trait Show[A]
class MultipleShow[A]
trait PersistBoth[A]
class PersistSeqSpecBoth[Ae, A]
trait ShowCompound[A]
trait ShowSeqLike[Ae, A]
class ShowSeqLikeImp[Ae, A]
trait ShowSeqSpec[Ae, A]
trait ShowSimple[A]
class ShowSum2[ST, A1, A2]
trait ShowTell[A]
trait PersistTell[A]
trait ShowTell2[A1, A2, R]
class ShowTell2Imp[A1, A2, R]
trait ShowTellDbl2[R]
class ShowTellDbl2Imp[R]
trait ShowTellElemDbl2[R]
class ShowTellDbl2Imp[R]
trait ShowTellInt2[R]
class ShowTellInt2Imp[R]
trait ShowTell3[A1, A2, A3, R]
class ShowTell3Imp[A1, A2, A3, R]
trait ShowTell4[A1, A2, A3, A4, R]
class ShowTell4Imp[A1, A2, A3, A4, R]
class ShowTellInt4[R]
class ShowTellSimple[R]
trait ShowTellSum[A]
trait Tell
trait WTile
object SeaIcePerm
object TerrainNone
trait Water
object Lake
object LakeIceWinter
object Sea
object SeaIceWinter
trait AngleLike
class Latitude
class Longitude
class Angle
class AngleVec
trait HexReg
trait Hexlign
trait HGrid
class HGridGen
class EGrid
class EGridLong
class EGrid120Long
class EGrid13Long
class EGrid160Long
class EGrid220Long
class EGrid320Long
class EGrid460Long
class EGrid640Long
trait Tell2Repeat[A1, A2]
class HCenRowLayer[A]
trait TellDblBased
trait AreaMetric
class Hectares
class Kilares
class Metrares
trait LengthMetric
class Gigametres
class Kilometres
class Megametres
class Metres
trait TellN
trait TellSeqLike[Ae]
trait TellSimple
trait Climate
trait Desert
object DesertCold
object DesertHot
object IceCap
object Sahel
trait SemiArid
object Savannah
object Steppe
object Subtropical
object Boreal
object Continental
trait Temperate
object Oceanic
object Tropical
object Tundra
trait LandUse
object CivMix
object Forest
object LandFree
trait Lelev
trait HillyLike
object Hilly
object HillyLakes
object Fjorded
object MountLakes
object Mountains
trait PlainLike
object Plain
object PlainLakes
trait WSep
object WSepNone
trait WSepSome
object Scarp
trait NorthSouthUp
object NorthUp
object SouthUp
trait Polity
object Macedon
object Rome
object Sparta
trait Faction
object Eridu
object Uruk
class Character
object CharacA
object CharacB
object CharacY
object CharacZ
trait DungTerr
object Open
object Wall
class Faction
object Fact1
object Fact2
trait Polity
object Britain
object Deutch
object France
object Germany
object Japan
object Prussia
object Soviet
object Soviets
trait Draught
trait DarkDraught
object DarkKing
object DarkMan
trait King
object LightKing
trait LightDraught
object LightMan
trait Man
class Nation
object NBlue
object NOrange
object NRed
object NViolet
object NoNation
object Turn
trait Polity
object Britain
object France
trait Polity
object Britain
object France
object Germany
trait ZugTerr
trait Building
object StoneBuilding
object WoodBuilding
object Hill
object Lake
object Plain
object WheatField
trait Unshow[T]
class UnshowMultiple[A]
trait UnShowSum2[ST, A1, A2]
class IntEvClass
class UnshowFromArr[Ae, ArrAe, A]
class UnshowIdents[A]
trait UnshowSeqLike[Ae, A]
class UnshowSeq[A, R]
class UnshowSeqLikeImp[A, R]
trait UnshowSingletons[A]
trait UnshowSum[A]
Show all

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

The type of the object to be persisted.

The type of the object to be persisted.


Concrete methods

This property determines if the type can be used with Multiple syntax.

This property determines if the type can be used with Multiple syntax.

MyObj * 7

. for describing sequences succinctly. This is not desirable for some types such as numerical and mathematical vector types as this could be confusing 3 * 4 should resolve to an Int of value 12, not a Multiple(3, 4).
