
See theAppPage companion class
object AppPage


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def all: RArr[AppPage]
def apply(jsMainStem: String, dirStr: String, htmlTitleIn: String, htmlFileNameStem: String, jsFileStem: String): AppPage

Factory apply method for AppPage class. The first parameter is the stem of the name of the main function function in the JavaScript file, to which "JsApp" String is appended. The second parameter is the file name's stems to which the Strings ".html" and ",js" will be added. The default is the lower case of the first parameter. The third parameter is the title, which unlike the first two parameters can contain spaces which defaults to the first parameter.

Factory apply method for AppPage class. The first parameter is the stem of the name of the main function function in the JavaScript file, to which "JsApp" String is appended. The second parameter is the file name's stems to which the Strings ".html" and ",js" will be added. The default is the lower case of the first parameter. The third parameter is the title, which unlike the first two parameters can contain spaces which defaults to the first parameter.
