
package ostrat.eg13

Hex tile grids for Earth with a hex scale of 1300km, a C scale of 375km. A hex tile area of 1.463582932 million km². A maximum Isle area of 1041945.271km², excludes Greenland Isle13 893300.129km² => 1041945.271km². Isle12 756089.229km² => 893300.129km². New Guinea. Isle11 630312.571km² => 756089.229km² Borneo. Isle10 515970.154km² => 630312.571km². Madagascar. Isle9 413061.979km² => 515970.154km². Baffin Island, Sumatra. Isle8 321588.046km² => 413061.979km². Isle7 241548.355km² => 321588.046km². Philippines combined 300000km², New Zealand combined 268021km². Isle6 172942.905km² => 243930.488km². Honshu, Victoria Island, Great Britain, Ellesmere Island. Isle5 115771.696km² => 172942.905km². Sulawesi, South Island(NZ), Java. Isle4 70034.730km² => 115771.696km². Iceland 103.592km2. Isle3 35732.005km² => 70034.730km².


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Type members


object EGrid13

object for creating earth grids with 640km hexs, with a c scale of 80km.

object for creating earth grids with 640km hexs, with a c scale of 80km.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
abstract class EGrid13Long(rBottomCen: Int, cenLongInt: Int, rowArray: Array[Int]) extends EGridLong, EGrid13Sys

An Earth grid covering a full 30 degree range of longitude for non-polar regions with a hex span of 640Km

An Earth grid covering a full 30 degree range of longitude for non-polar regions with a hex span of 640Km


trait EGrid13Sys
class EGridLong
class EGrid
trait EGridSys
class HGridGen
trait HGrid
trait Tell
trait Persist
trait HGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TGrid
trait TGridSys
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
object EGrid13Long


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class EGrid13LongFull(rBottomCen: Int, rTopCen: Int, cenLongInt: Int) extends EGridLongFull

A main non-polar grid with a hex span of 1300Km

A main non-polar grid with a hex span of 1300Km


class EGridLong
class EGrid
trait EGridSys
class HGridGen
trait HGrid
trait Tell
trait Persist
trait HGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TGrid
trait TGridSys
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Grid systems for 13km EGrids.

Grid systems for 13km EGrids.


trait EGrid13Sys
trait EGridMulti
trait HGridMulti
trait TGridMulti
trait EGridSys
trait HGridSys
trait TGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class EGrid13LongPart(rBottomCen: Int, rTopCen: Int, cenLongInt: Int, rowArray: Array[Int]) extends EGrid13Long, EGridLongPart


class EGrid13Long
trait EGrid13Sys
class EGridLong
class EGrid
trait EGridSys
class HGridGen
trait HGrid
trait Tell
trait Persist
trait HGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TGrid
trait TGridSys
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
trait EGrid13Sys extends EGridSys

An Earth grid system where the hex tiles are 80km across. A C scale of 20km. Maybe a single hrx or multiple hex grids.

An Earth grid system where the hex tiles are 80km across. A C scale of 20km. Maybe a single hrx or multiple hex grids.


trait EGridSys
trait HGridSys
trait TGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
trait Long13Terrs extends LongTerrs

Terrain data grid for EGrid13LongFulls.

Terrain data grid for EGrid13LongFulls.


trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object Terr13E0
object Terr13E120
object Terr13E150
object Terr13E180
object Terr13E30
object Terr13E60
object Terr13E90
object Terr13W120
object Terr13W150
object Terr13W30
object Terr13W60
object Terr13W90
Show all
object Scen13Africa extends EScenLongMulti

1300km terrain only scenario for Africa, Middle East and Europe. 4 grid system for 30W 0°E, 30°E and 60°E.

1300km terrain only scenario for Africa, Middle East and Europe. 4 grid system for 30W 0°E, 30°E and 60°E.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type
object Scen13All extends EScenLongMulti

1300km. Just terrain scenario for all longitudes grid system.

1300km. Just terrain scenario for all longitudes grid system.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type

Terrain only scenario for the Atlantic. 4 1300km grid system for 90°W, 60°W, 30°W and 0°E

Terrain only scenario for the Atlantic. 4 1300km grid system for 90°W, 60°W, 30°W and 0°E


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type

Scenario for 3 Grid system from 90°E to 150°E.

Scenario for 3 Grid system from 90°E to 150°E.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type

1300km terrain only scenario for the Date Line. 3 grid system for 150°E, 180°E, and 150°W

1300km terrain only scenario for the Date Line. 3 grid system for 150°E, 180°E, and 150°W


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type
object Scen13Europe extends EScenLongMulti

1300km terrain only scenario for Europe. 2 Grid system for 0°E, and 30°E.

1300km terrain only scenario for Europe. 2 Grid system for 0°E, and 30°E.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type
object Scen13India extends EScenLongMulti

1300km terrain only scenario for India. 2 Grid system for 60°E, and 90°E.

1300km terrain only scenario for India. 2 Grid system for 60°E, and 90°E.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type

Terrain only scenario for North America. 4 1300km grid system for ChinaJapan 150°W, 120°W, 90°W and 60°W

Terrain only scenario for North America. 4 1300km grid system for ChinaJapan 150°W, 120°W, 90°W and 60°W


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type
object Terr13E0 extends Long13Terrs

1300km WTile terrain for 15° west to 15° east, centred on 0° east. A hex tile area of 1.463582932 million km² Isle7 241548.355km² => 321588.046km², British Isles combined 315159km² Isle4 70034.730km² => 115771.696km², Iceland 101826km², Ireland 84421km².

1300km WTile terrain for 15° west to 15° east, centred on 0° east. A hex tile area of 1.463582932 million km² Isle7 241548.355km² => 321588.046km², British Isles combined 315159km² Isle4 70034.730km² => 115771.696km², Iceland 101826km², Ireland 84421km².


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13E120 extends Long13Terrs

1300km WTile terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. Hex area 1463582.932km². Isle13 893300.129km² => 1041945.271km². (Borneo 748168km²) + (Sulawesi 180681km²) = 928849km² Isle9 413061.979km² => 515970.154km². Sumatra 443065kmm². Isle8 321588.046km² => 413061.979km². Japan combined 377973 km². Isle7 241548.355km² => 321588.046km². Most of Philippines 300000km². Isle6 172942.905km² => 243930.488km². Isle5 115771.696km² => 172942.905km². Java 138794km² + Bali 5780km² + Lambok 4607.68km² and Sumbawa 15414km². Isle4 70034.730km² => 115771.696km². Most of Luzon (109,965 km2) excluding the south plus Taiwan, Lesser Sunda Islands estimate 80000km,

1300km WTile terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. Hex area 1463582.932km². Isle13 893300.129km² => 1041945.271km². (Borneo 748168km²) + (Sulawesi 180681km²) = 928849km² Isle9 413061.979km² => 515970.154km². Sumatra 443065kmm². Isle8 321588.046km² => 413061.979km². Japan combined 377973 km². Isle7 241548.355km² => 321588.046km². Most of Philippines 300000km². Isle6 172942.905km² => 243930.488km². Isle5 115771.696km² => 172942.905km². Java 138794km² + Bali 5780km² + Lambok 4607.68km² and Sumbawa 15414km². Isle4 70034.730km² => 115771.696km². Most of Luzon (109,965 km2) excluding the south plus Taiwan, Lesser Sunda Islands estimate 80000km,


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13E150 extends Long13Terrs

1300Km WTile terrain for 135° east to 165° east, centred on 150° east. Hex tile area of 1.463582932 million km². Isle8 321588.046km² => 413061.979km². Japan combined 377973 km². Isle3 35732.005km² => 70034.730km². Bismark Archipelago 49700km². Below 35732.005km². Solomon Islands 28896km².

1300Km WTile terrain for 135° east to 165° east, centred on 150° east. Hex tile area of 1.463582932 million km². Isle8 321588.046km² => 413061.979km². Japan combined 377973 km². Isle3 35732.005km² => 70034.730km². Bismark Archipelago 49700km². Below 35732.005km². Solomon Islands 28896km².


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13E180 extends Long13Terrs

1300km WTile terrain for 175° east to 175° west, centred on 180° east. Hex tile area 1.463582932 million km², Isle7 241548.355km² => 321588.046km². New Zealand has a land area of 268021km2

1300km WTile terrain for 175° east to 175° west, centred on 180° east. Hex tile area 1.463582932 million km², Isle7 241548.355km² => 321588.046km². New Zealand has a land area of 268021km2


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13E30 extends Long13Terrs

WTile terrain for 15° east to 45° east, centred on 30° east. Hex tile scale 1300km or 1.3 Megametres. Isle10 515970.154km² => 630312.571km². Madagascar 587041km².

WTile terrain for 15° east to 45° east, centred on 30° east. Hex tile scale 1300km or 1.3 Megametres. Isle10 515970.154km² => 630312.571km². Madagascar 587041km².


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13E60 extends Long13Terrs

WTile terrain for 45° East to 75°, centred on 60° east. Hex tile scale 1300km.

WTile terrain for 45° East to 75°, centred on 60° east. Hex tile scale 1300km.


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13E90 extends Long13Terrs

1300km WTile terrain for 75 east to 105 east, centred on 90° east. Tile area 1463582.932km². Isle9 413061.979km² => 515970.154km². Sumatra 443065kmm².

1300km WTile terrain for 75 east to 105 east, centred on 90° east. Tile area 1463582.932km². Isle9 413061.979km² => 515970.154km². Sumatra 443065kmm².


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13W120 extends Long13Terrs

WTile terrain for 75 East to 105 East. 1300km per hex tile.

WTile terrain for 75 East to 105 East. 1300km per hex tile.


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13W150 extends Long13Terrs

1300km WTile terrain for 75 East to 105 East. Below 35732.005km². Hawaii 28311km².

1300km WTile terrain for 75 East to 105 East. Below 35732.005km². Hawaii 28311km².


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13W30 extends Long13Terrs

1300km WTile terrain for 45° west to 15° west centred on 30° west. A hex tile area of 1.463582932 million km² Isle4 70034.730km² => 115771.696km², Iceland 103000km², Ireland 84421km².

1300km WTile terrain for 45° west to 15° west centred on 30° west. A hex tile area of 1.463582932 million km² Isle4 70034.730km² => 115771.696km², Iceland 103000km², Ireland 84421km².


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13W60 extends Long13Terrs

WTile terrain for 15 West to 15 East. Isle6 172942.905km² => 243930.488km². (Cuba 105806km²) + (Hispaniola 76479km²) + (Jamaica 11188km²) = 193473km². Below 35732.005km² Falklands 12173km².

WTile terrain for 15 West to 15 East. Isle6 172942.905km² => 243930.488km². (Cuba 105806km²) + (Hispaniola 76479km²) + (Jamaica 11188km²) = 193473km². Below 35732.005km² Falklands 12173km².


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr13W90 extends Long13Terrs

1300km WTile terrain for 75° east to 105° east, centred on 90° east. Hex tile area 1.463582932 million km². Isle6 172942.905km² => 243930.488km². (Cuba 105806km²) + (Hispaniola 76479km²) + (Jamaica 11188km²) = 193473km².

1300km WTile terrain for 75° east to 105° east, centred on 90° east. Hex tile area 1.463582932 million km². Isle6 172942.905km² => 243930.488km². (Cuba 105806km²) + (Hispaniola 76479km²) + (Jamaica 11188km²) = 193473km².


trait Long13Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type