A TileGrid is a description of an abstract TileGrid. It contains no data for the elements of any particular TileGrid. The Data for TileGrids is stored in flat arrays. The TileGrid gives the dimensions of a tileGrid. It has methods to interpret the data in flat Arrays created for that TileGrid specification. It has methods to map the elements of an Array to the the 2 dimensional geometry of the Tile Grid. On its own a TileGrid can produce the outlines of the grid, coordinates vector positions and other pure mathematical data. Combined with a simple function it can for example produce a Chess board. Combined with a 64 length array it can produce a Chess board position. For anything but the most simple games, you will probably want multiple arrays to describe the game state. The terrain for example may remain invariant, so the terrain data does not need to be reproduced with every move.
A TileGrid is for use cases where the proportions of the Grid predetermine the proportions of the visual representation, as opposed to a use case where the proportions of the enclosing space are a factor in determining the proportions of the grid. For example the various grid layouts of the Stars on the American flag.
- Graph
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait HGridclass HGridGenclass EGridclass EGridLongclass EGrid120Longclass EGrid120LongPartclass EGrid13Longclass EGrid13LongPartclass EGrid160Longclass EGrid160LongPartclass EGrid220Longclass EGrid220LongPartclass EGrid320Longclass EGrid320LongPartclass EGrid460Longclass EGrid460LongPartclass EGrid640Longclass EGrid640LongPartclass EGrid80LongPartclass EGridMegaLongclass EGridMegaLongPartclass EGridLongFullclass EGrid120LongFullclass EGrid13LongFullclass EGrid160LongFullclass EGrid220LongFullclass EGrid320LongFullclass EGrid460LongFullclass EGrid640LongFullclass EGrid80LongFullclass EGridMegaLongFulltrait EGridLongPartclass HGridRectclass SqGridobject ChessBoardShow all
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Abstract methods
The bottom or lowest tile centre row, r coordinate.
The bottom or lowest tile centre row, r coordinate.
The minimum or lowest tile centre column c coordinate in the whole tile grid. This is called c rather than x because in hex grids HGrids there is not a 1 to 1 ratio from column coordinate to the x value in a Pt2.
The minimum or lowest tile centre column c coordinate in the whole tile grid. This is called c rather than x because in hex grids HGrids there is not a 1 to 1 ratio from column coordinate to the x value in a Pt2.
the Maximum or highest tile centre column c coordinate in the whole tile grid. This is called c rather than x because in hex grids HGrids there is not a 1 to 1 ratio from column coordinate to the x value in a Pt2.
the Maximum or highest tile centre column c coordinate in the whole tile grid. This is called c rather than x because in hex grids HGrids there is not a 1 to 1 ratio from column coordinate to the x value in a Pt2.
Number of rows of tile centres. This will be different to the number of rows of sides and and will be different to the number of rows of vertices for HexGrids.
Number of rows of tile centres. This will be different to the number of rows of sides and and will be different to the number of rows of vertices for HexGrids.
Concrete methods
Foreach grid Row r coordinate.
Foreach grid Row r coordinate.
The bottom, lowest or minimum Side Row of this TileGrid. The r value, the row number value.
The bottom, lowest or minimum Side Row of this TileGrid. The r value, the row number value.
The centre of the hex grid in terms of c column coordinates.
The centre of the hex grid in terms of c column coordinates.
foldLefts over each row number.
foldLefts over each row number.
Foreachs over each inner row of Sides. Users will not normally need to use this method directly.
Foreachs over each inner row of Sides. Users will not normally need to use this method directly.
The number of Rows of Sides.
The number of Rows of Sides.
The number of Rows of vertices.
The number of Rows of vertices.
The centre of the hex grid in terms of r row coordinates.
The centre of the hex grid in terms of r row coordinates.
Foreachs over each Row of separators. Users will not normally need to use this method directly.
Foreachs over each Row of separators. Users will not normally need to use this method directly.
The top or highest separator row, r coordinate.
The top or highest separator row, r coordinate.
The top, highest or maximum Side Row of this TileGrid. The r value, the row number.
The top, highest or maximum Side Row of this TileGrid. The r value, the row number.
Foreachs over each Row of vertices. Users will not normally need to use this method directly.
Foreachs over each Row of vertices. Users will not normally need to use this method directly.
Inherited methods
flatMaps over each r row coordinate number.
maps over each r row coordinate number.
The centre point as a Vec2. Not sure why this id implemented here.
The centre point as a Vec2. Not sure why this id implemented here.
- Inherited from:
- TGridSys
- Inherited from:
- TGridSys
Height of the tile grid system from furthest tile edge or vertex to furthest tile edge or vertex.
Height of the tile grid system from furthest tile edge or vertex to furthest tile edge or vertex.
- Inherited from:
- TGridSys
Width of the tile grid system from furthest tile edge or vertex to furthest tile edge or vertex.
Width of the tile grid system from furthest tile edge or vertex to furthest tile edge or vertex.
- Inherited from:
- TGridSys
Inherited and Abstract methods
The bottom most point in the grid where the value of y is minimum.
The bottom most point in the grid where the value of y is minimum.
- Inherited from:
- TGridSys
The left most point in the grid where x is minimum.
The total number of tile centres in this tile Grid system.
The right most point in the grid where the value of x is maximum.
The right most point in the grid where the value of x is maximum.
- Inherited from:
- TGridSys
The top most point in the grid where the value of y is maximum.
the ratio of r => y, when translating from TCoord tile grid coordinates to Pt2 and Vec2s.
the ratio of r => y, when translating from TCoord tile grid coordinates to Pt2 and Vec2s.
- Inherited from:
- TCenStruct