
trait EGridMan

Manages an EGrid's connections to its neigbhouring Egrids..


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class EGridLongMan

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def adjTilesOfTile(origR: Int, OrigC: Int): HCenArr
def grid: EGrid

The grid that this manages.

The grid that this manages.


def hCenExists(r: Int, c: Int): Boolean
def hCoordExists(r: Int, c: Int): Boolean

The tile data array index start for this grid manager.

The tile data array index start for this grid manager.


def offset: Vec2

The offset is used in the implementation of the flatHCoordToPt2(hCoord: HCoord) method in HGridMulti where it is added to the Pt2 value given by the HGrid.

The offset is used in the implementation of the flatHCoordToPt2(hCoord: HCoord) method in HGridMulti where it is added to the Pt2 value given by the HGrid.


def outSteps(r: Int, c: Int): HStepCenArr

Tile steps from a hex within this managers grid to other grids.

Tile steps from a hex within this managers grid to other grids.


Foreach's over the sides of the HGrid that are outer sides, ie nt links of the HGridSys. This will be a subset of the Hgrids's outer sides, as some of the girds outer sides will link to hexes in other grids within the [HGridSys]] grid system.

Foreach's over the sides of the HGrid that are outer sides, ie nt links of the HGridSys. This will be a subset of the Hgrids's outer sides, as some of the girds outer sides will link to hexes in other grids within the [HGridSys]] grid system.


def sideArrIndex(r: Int, c: Int): Int

Gives the index into an HSep data layer's backing Array.

Gives the index into an HSep data layer's backing Array.


def sideTileLtUnsafe(hSide: HSep): HCen

This method should only be used when you know the side tile exists.

This method should only be used when you know the side tile exists.


def sideTileRtUnsafe(hSide: HSep): HCen

This method should only be used when you know the side tile exists.

This method should only be used when you know the side tile exists.


def sidesForeach(f: HSep => Unit): Unit

The multi grid system that contains the grid that this is managing.

The multi grid system that contains the grid that this is managing.


def thisInd: Int

The position of this grid manager and grid within the grid sequence of the HGridMulti.

The position of this grid manager and grid within the grid sequence of the HGridMulti.


def vertToCoordFind(r: Int, c: Int, dirn: HVDirn): Option[HCoord]

Concrete methods

final def adjTilesOfTile(origin: HCen): HCenArr
final def findStep(startHC: HCen, endHC: HCen): Option[HStep]
def findStep(startR: Int, startC: Int, endR: Int, endC: Int): Option[HStep]
def findStepEnd(r: Int, c: Int, step: HStep): Option[HCen]
def findStepEnd(startHC: HCen, step: HStep): Option[HCen]
final def hCenExists(hCen: HCen): Boolean
def hCenSteps(hCen: HCen): HStepArr
final def linksForeach(f: HSep => Unit): Unit

Foreach's over sides of the HGrid that are links ar inner sides within the HGridSys. Note this wil include all the links of the HGrid plus outer sides of the HGrid that link to hexs in other HGrids within the system.

Foreach's over sides of the HGrid that are links ar inner sides within the HGridSys. Note this wil include all the links of the HGrid plus outer sides of the HGrid that link to hexs in other HGrids within the system.


def numSides: Int
def numTiles: Int

The number of tiles in the Hex grid this manager class is managing.

The number of tiles in the Hex grid this manager class is managing.


final def outSteps(hCen: HCen): HStepCenArr

Tile steps from a hex within this managers grid to other grids.

Tile steps from a hex within this managers grid to other grids.


def sidesFold[A](init: A)(f: (A, HSep) => A): A
def sidesFold[A](f: (A, HSep) => A)(implicit ev: DefaultValue[A]): A
def unsafeSideTiles(hSide: HSep): (HCen, HCen)

This method should only be used when you know both side tiles exist.

This method should only be used when you know both side tiles exist.


final def vertToCoordFind(hVert: HVert, dirn: HVDirn): Option[HCoord]

Concrete fields

lazy val sideIndexStart: Int