
trait CanvasPanelled extends CanvasUser

A canvas divided up into panels. Each panel is clipped and has its own origin.


trait CanvasUser
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait CmdBarGui
class GlobeGui
class ULocGui
class DungeonGui
class DraughtsGui
class ChessGui
class HGridSysGui
class EGridBaseGui
class DLessGui
class BC305Gui
class DiscovGui
class PeriGui
class IndRevGui
class SorsGui
class WW1Gui
class WW2Gui
class G4HGui
class G1HGui
class G3HGui
class G2HGui
class CivGui
class NormGui
class ZugGui
class TGridSysGui
class SqSysGui
class G1SGui
class G2SGui
class AltReacGui
class GoGui
class LsE1Canv
class LsE2Canv
class MapGui
class PlanetsGui
Show all

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def addPanel(clipPoly: Polygon, cover: Boolean): Panel
def refresh(): Unit
def refreshPanel(panel: Panel): Unit

This method creates a new frame for the panel. It clips the painting area. Paints the Panel with the back colour, translates the GraphicElems from their positions relative to the Panel's centre to their absolute positions on the canvas. It stores the active object shapes with their absolute positions on the panels active object list. Finally it unclips the painting area.

This method creates a new frame for the panel. It clips the painting area. Paints the Panel with the back colour, translates the GraphicElems from their positions relative to the Panel's centre to their absolute positions on the canvas. It stores the active object shapes with their absolute positions on the panels active object list. Finally it unclips the painting area.


Inherited methods

This reverses the order of the GraphicActive List. Method paints objects to screen as side effect.

This reverses the order of the GraphicActive List. Method paints objects to screen as side effect.


Inherited from:

Inherited and Abstract methods

def title: String


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

var panels: RArr[Panel]

Inherited and Abstract fields


Inherited from: