trait Persist2[A1, A2] extends Persist2Plus[A1, A2]
A base trait for Tell2 and UnShow2. It is not a base trait for Show2, as ShowTell2 classes do not need this data, as they can delegate to the Tell2 object to implement their interfaces.
- Graph
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait ShowDbl2[A]class PersistDbl2Both[A]class ShowDbl2Imp[A]trait ShowInt2[A]class PersistInt2Both[A]class ShowInt2Imp[A]class Counterobject CounterAobject CounterBobject CounterCobject CounterDobject CounterEclass HexParrXclass HexParrYclass HexRegImpclass LineSegclass Sqlignclass Armytrait HexMemShow[A]class HCounterclass HSquadclass SGViewtrait SqMemShow[A]class SqCountertrait TellDbl2class LatLongtrait TellElemDbl2class PtKm2class PtM2trait VecPt2class Pt2class Vec2trait VecPtLength2trait PtLength2trait VecLength2class VecKm2class VecM2trait VecPtKm2trait VecPtM2trait TellInt2trait TellElemInt2trait TCoordtrait HCoordtrait HNotVerttrait HCenOrSepclass HCentrait HSepclass HSepAclass HSepBclass HSepCclass HCoordOthertrait HVertclass HVertHighclass HVertLowtrait SqCoordtrait SqCenOrSepclass SqCenclass SqSepclass SqVerttrait TCenOrSeptrait TCentrait TSeptrait TVertclass PersistTellInt2[A]trait UnshowDbl2[A]class UnshowDbl2Imp[A]trait UnshowInt2[A]class UnshowInt2Imp[A]
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