
See theLayerHSOptSys companion object
class LayerHSOptSys[A, SA <: HSepSome](val unsafeArray: Array[A]) extends HSepLayerAny[A]

Data layer for HSeps of an HGridSys where there is are HSepSome and HSepNone types.


trait HSepLayerAny[A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Type members


type KeyT = HGridSys

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(hs: HSep)(implicit gridSys: HGridSys): A

apply index method returns the data from this layer for the given HSep.

apply index method returns the data from this layer for the given HSep.


def apply(r: Int, c: Int)(implicit gridSys: HGridSys): A

apply index method returns the data from this layer for the given HSep.

apply index method returns the data from this layer for the given HSep.


def someHSPolyMap(proj: HSysProjection, corners: HCornerLayer)(f: (SA, HSep, Polygon) => GraphicElem)(implicit gridSys: HGridSys): GraphicElems

Maps over the Some values with their respective HSep and Polygons.

Maps over the Some values with their respective HSep and Polygons.


def someOnlyHSPolyMap(proj: HSysProjection, corners: HCornerLayer)(f: (HSep, Polygon) => GraphicElem)(implicit gridSys: HGridSys): GraphicElems

Maps over the respective HSep and Polygons of the Some values, but does not use the value's themselves.

Maps over the respective HSep and Polygons of the Some values, but does not use the value's themselves.


def somePolyMap(proj: HSysProjection, corners: HCornerLayer)(f: (SA, Polygon) => GraphicElem)(implicit gridSys: HGridSys): GraphicElems

Maps over the Some values with their respective Polygons.

Maps over the Some values with their respective Polygons.


def spawn(parentGridSys: HGridSys, childGridSys: HGridSys)(implicit ct: ClassTag[A]): LayerHSOptSys[A, SA]

Spawns a new HSideOptlLayer data layer for the child HGridSys from this LayerHSOptSys.

Spawns a new HSideOptlLayer data layer for the child HGridSys from this LayerHSOptSys.


Inherited methods

def set(grid: HGridSys, hs: HSep, value: A): Unit

Sets the value in the layer for the given HSep. Throws exception if HSep does not exist within the HGrid.

Sets the value in the layer for the given HSep. Throws exception if HSep does not exist within the HGrid.


Inherited from:
def set(r: Int, c: Int, value: A)(implicit grid: HGridSys): Unit

Sets the value in the layer for the given HSep. Throws exception if HSep does not exist within the HGrid.

Sets the value in the layer for the given HSep. Throws exception if HSep does not exist within the HGrid.


Inherited from:
def set(hs: HSep, value: A)(implicit grid: HGridSys): Unit

Sets the value in the layer for the given HSep. Throws exception if HSep does not exist within the HGrid.

Sets the value in the layer for the given HSep. Throws exception if HSep does not exist within the HGrid.


Inherited from:
def setExists(grid: HGrid, r: Int, c: Int, value: A): Unit

Set HSep if the HSep exists in the given HGrid.

Set HSep if the HSep exists in the given HGrid.


Inherited from:
def setExists(grid: HGrid, hs: HSep, value: A): Unit

Set HSep if the HSep exists in the given HGrid.

Set HSep if the HSep exists in the given HGrid.


Inherited from:
def setSomeRC(value: A, hSeps: Int*)(implicit grid: HGridSys): Unit

Sets multiple HSeps specified by their r and c Int components parameters to the same given value.

Sets multiple HSeps specified by their r and c Int components parameters to the same given value.


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val unsafeArray: Array[A]