This is the RSON package. Readable Succinct Object Notation. It could be just as accurately be described as Readable Succinct Data Notation, but that wouldn't scan as well and indicate it as a better replacement for JSON. RSON uses the standard semicolon separated statements combined with multilevel bracket hierarchy syntax familiar from C, C++, Java and JavaScript. Its main innovations over JSON and XML are allowing statements to be partitioned into comma delineated clauses, the empty statement, the empty clause and type inference. It uses a context free operator precedence hierarchy, with the exception of allowing the 4 ( - + ~ !) operator to be used as prefix operators. Beyond this it generally follows Scala syntax where this doesn't conflict with the preceding rules. Unlike Scala statements must finish with a semicolon unless it is the last statement of a file or a bracket block. Allowing statements to end with a newline introduces horrendous ambiguities unless one is willing to go completely down the significant whitespace route, and I'm not sure if that could work even work for such a general purpose basic syntax.
The above allows it to combine a high level of human readability, succinctness, non-programmer / non-expert write-ability, programmer flexibility and composability and fast-parsing. The initial motivating use case was strategy games, which require huge amounts of modable date files. XML and JSON, the current defaults are simply not fit for purpose. RSON aims to break down the walls between game player, game modder, professional game artist, professional game scripter, professional imperative programming wizards in languages such as C / C++ and Rust and professional functional programming wizards in languages such as Scala, Haskell and Idris.
Members list
Type members
An Identifier Token followed by 1 or more brace blocks.
An Identifier Token followed by 1 or more brace blocks.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Extractor object for an AlphaBracketExpr with or without a square brackets followed by a single parentheses block.
Extractor object for an AlphaBracketExpr with or without a square brackets followed by a single parentheses block.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Extractor object for an AlphaBracketExpr with a single parentheses block.
Extractor object for an AlphaBracketExpr with a single parentheses block.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Extractor object for an AlphaBracketExpr with a square brackets followed by a single parentheses block.
Extractor object for an AlphaBracketExpr with a square brackets followed by a single parentheses block.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The = assignment Token.
The = assignment Token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An Assignment member can appear in the expressions either side of an assignment operator.
An Assignment member can appear in the expressions either side of an assignment operator.
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemExprTokenclass ColonExprtrait ColonMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokentrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprtrait ExprSeqExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait ClauseMemtrait ClauseMemTokenclass Dot2Tokenclass Dot3Tokenclass DotTokenclass ColonTokenShow all
An expression that is a member of the right oe left side of an assignment expression.
An expression that is a member of the right oe left side of an assignment expression.
- Supertypes
trait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait AssignMemExprTokenclass ColonExprtrait ColonMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokentrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprtrait ExprSeqExprShow all
A Token that is an AssignMem expression.
A Token that is an AssignMem expression.
- Supertypes
trait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait Tokentrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
This trait includes all the tokens except braces plus the Bracket syntactic blocks. The Block in the name block member is either the top level statements in the file or the statements with in a bracket block. Conceptually the source file is considered a special case of bracket block where the beginning of substitutes for the opening bracket and the end of file substitutes for the closing bracket. BlockMember has only two sub traits StatementMember and SemiToken. So a sequence of TokenOrBlocks is simply a series of tokens which has been parsed into Blocks.
This trait includes all the tokens except braces plus the Bracket syntactic blocks. The Block in the name block member is either the top level statements in the file or the statements with in a bracket block. Conceptually the source file is considered a special case of bracket block where the beginning of substitutes for the opening bracket and the end of file substitutes for the closing bracket. BlockMember has only two sub traits StatementMember and SemiToken. So a sequence of TokenOrBlocks is simply a series of tokens which has been parsed into Blocks.
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait BlockMemTokenclass AsignTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokenclass Dot2Tokenclass Dot3Tokenclass DotTokenclass ColonTokentrait Exprtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemExprTokenclass ColonExprtrait ColonMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprtrait ExprSeqExprtrait CompoundExprclass AsignExprobject EmptyStringExprtrait StatementMemtrait AssignMemtrait ColonOpMemtrait ClauseMemShow all
Token that is member of a block. Includes all tokens except the brace tokens.
Token that is member of a block. Includes all tokens except the brace tokens.
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class AsignTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokenclass Dot2Tokenclass Dot3Tokenclass DotTokenclass ColonTokenShow all
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
A syntactic block of Statements, may be encapsulated by a file of pair of matching braces."
A syntactic block of Statements, may be encapsulated by a file of pair of matching braces."
- Supertypes
trait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait ExprSeqExprtrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
Defines the types of braces and the opening and closing brace character. Eg '(' and ')' for the Parentheses object.
Defines the types of braces and the opening and closing brace character. Eg '(' and ')' for the Parentheses object.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
A closing bracket Token, The ']', ']' or ')' characters are BracketCloseTokens.
A closing bracket Token, The ']', ']' or ')' characters are BracketCloseTokens.
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
An opening Brace, '{', '[' or '('.
An opening Brace, '{', '[' or '('.
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait BracketCloseTokenclass CurlyCloseTokenclass ParenthCloseTokenclass SquareCloseTokentrait BracketOpenclass CurlyOpenTokenclass ParenthOpenTokenclass SquareOpenTokenShow all
Syntactic structure consisting of a pair of matching brackets and the sequence of statements they encapsulate."
Syntactic structure consisting of a pair of matching brackets and the sequence of statements they encapsulate."
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait BlockStatementstrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait ExprSeqExprtrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Statements in RCON can be unclaused or multi comma separated. The empty Clause just contains a comma. The comma at the end of the last Clause of a Statement is optional.
Statements in RCON can be unclaused or multi comma separated. The empty Clause just contains a comma. The comma at the end of the last Clause of a Statement is optional.
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class EmptyClause
Can be a member of either side of a ColonExpr
Can be a member of either side of a ColonExpr
- Supertypes
trait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokentrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprtrait ClauseMemTokenclass Dot2Tokenclass Dot3Tokenclass DotTokenclass ColonTokenShow all
An expression that can be a member of a Clause or the expression of clause.
An expression that can be a member of a Clause or the expression of clause.
- Supertypes
trait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokentrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprShow all
A Token that is an Expression. Most tokens are expressions, but some are not such as braces, commas and semicolons.
A Token that is an Expression. Most tokens are expressions, but some are not such as braces, commas and semicolons.
- Supertypes
trait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokenShow all
A Token that can be a member of a Clause.
A Token that can be a member of a Clause.
- Supertypes
trait ClauseMemtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokenclass Dot2Tokenclass Dot3Tokenclass DotTokenShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait ExprSeqExprtrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An expression that can be a member of a Colon expression operand.
An expression that can be a member of a Colon expression operand.
- Supertypes
trait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokentrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprtrait ExprSeqExprShow all
I think its helpful to have an expression member trait for syntax that is not expressions. So I don't think it would be helpful if say an opening brace was an expression. All Expressions are Expression members.
I think its helpful to have an expression member trait for syntax that is not expressions. So I don't think it would be helpful if say an opening brace was an expression. All Expressions are Expression members.
- Supertypes
trait AssignMemtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait ClauseMemtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokentrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprtrait ClauseMemTokenclass Dot2Tokenclass Dot3Tokenclass DotTokenclass ColonTokentrait ColonMemExprtrait ExprSeqExprShow all
The : colon Token.
The : colon Token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ClauseMemtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait EmptyExprTokentrait ExprSeqExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A compound expression. The traits sole purpose is to give an Expr, the start and end text positions from its first and last components.
A compound expression. The traits sole purpose is to give an Expr, the start and end text positions from its first and last components.
- Supertypes
trait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprShow all
A compound expression. The traits sole purpose is to give an Expr, the start and end text positions from its first and last components.
A compound expression. The traits sole purpose is to give an Expr, the start and end text positions from its first and last components.
- Supertypes
trait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class AsignExprclass ColonExprtrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprShow all
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Curly braces, holds the open and close characters.
Curly brace close token.
Curly brace close token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait BracketCloseTokentrait BracketTokentrait Tokentrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Curly brace open token.
Curly brace open token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait BracketOpentrait BracketTokentrait Tokentrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Negative Decimal fractional fixed point number token.
Negative Decimal fractional fixed point number token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait DeciFracTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Positive Decimal fractional fixed point token.
Positive Decimal fractional fixed point token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait DigitSeqsCodetrait ValidPosFracTokentrait DeciFracTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Decimal fractional fixed point token.
Decimal fractional fixed point token.
- Supertypes
trait ValidFracTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class DeciFracNegTokenclass DeciFracPosTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosToken
- Supertypes
trait DigitHeadTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class DigitHeadAlphaTokenGen
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait DigitHeadAlphaTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A Token that begins with a digit.
A Token that begins with a digit.
- Supertypes
trait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGen
Sequence of point separated number sequences. Includes fixed point decimal numbers, IPv4 notation and version nunbers.
Sequence of point separated number sequences. Includes fixed point decimal numbers, IPv4 notation and version nunbers.
- Supertypes
trait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Token
The double Dot or Stop Token.
The double Dot or Stop Token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The triple Dot or Stop Token.
The triple Dot or Stop Token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The Dot or Stop Token.
The Dot or Stop Token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Factory object for the empty clause. Not sure if it is necessary
Factory object for the empty clause. Not sure if it is necessary
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
trait ExprSeqExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
- Supertypes
- Self type
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Equalstrait ExcParsetrait ExcPersistclass Exceptionclass Throwabletrait Serializableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The fundamental expression trait. As it currently stands properly formed Statements either is empty or contains an expression or a sequence of clauses that contain each contain an expression.
The fundamental expression trait. As it currently stands properly formed Statements either is empty or contains an expression or a sequence of clauses that contain each contain an expression.
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemExprTokenclass ColonExprtrait ColonMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokentrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprtrait ExprSeqExprtrait CompoundExprclass AsignExprobject EmptyStringExprShow all
A sequence of expressions that is itslef an expression. It can be a sequence of Statements or a Sequence of Clauses.
A sequence of expressions that is itslef an expression. It can be a sequence of Statements or a Sequence of Clauses.
- Supertypes
trait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokentrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprShow all
An ExprSeq can be a sequence of Statements or a Sequence of Clauses.
An ExprSeq can be a sequence of Statements or a Sequence of Clauses.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ExprSeqExprtrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExpr
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait BlockStatementstrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait ExprSeqExprtrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Negative Floating point fractional number token.
Negative Floating point fractional number token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait FloatPtTokentrait DeciFracTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Positive Floating point fractional number token.
Positive Floating point fractional number token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait FloatPtTokentrait DeciFracTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait DeciFracTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosToken
The purpose of this token is for use at the beginning of a file, to make the the rest of the Statements, sub-statements. As if they were the statements inside parenthesis.
The purpose of this token is for use at the beginning of a file, to make the the rest of the Statements, sub-statements. As if they were the statements inside parenthesis.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An identifier beginning with a lowercase that is not a valid raw Base32 or hexadecimal token.
An identifier beginning with a lowercase that is not a valid raw Base32 or hexadecimal token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait IdentLowerTokentrait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An identifier beginning with a lowercase that is a valid raw hexadecimal and raw Base32 token.
An identifier beginning with a lowercase that is a valid raw hexadecimal and raw Base32 token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IdentLowerTokentrait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An identifier beginning with a lowercase that is not a valid raw Base32 or hexadecimal token.
An identifier beginning with a lowercase that is not a valid raw Base32 or hexadecimal token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IdentLowerTokentrait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A valid identifier beginning with a lowercase letter or an underscore character.
A valid identifier beginning with a lowercase letter or an underscore character.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
Extractor function object for IdentLowerToken type.
Extractor function object for IdentLowerToken type.
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
An identifier token beginning with an underscore character.
An identifier token beginning with an underscore character.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IdentUpperBase32Tokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An alphanumeric token beginning with an alphabetic character that most commonly represents a name of something, but is also a valid raw Base32 Token.
An alphanumeric token beginning with an alphabetic character that most commonly represents a name of something, but is also a valid raw Base32 Token.
- Supertypes
trait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class IdentUpperHexaToken
An identifier beigning with an upper case letter that is also a valid raw hexadecimal token.
An identifier beigning with an upper case letter that is also a valid raw hexadecimal token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ValidRawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An identifier beginning with a upper case that is not a valid raw Base32 or hexadecimal token.
An identifier beginning with a upper case that is not a valid raw Base32 or hexadecimal token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An alphanumeric identifier token beginning with an upper case alphabetic character.
An alphanumeric identifier token beginning with an upper case alphabetic character.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait IdentifierTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
Extractor function object for IdentUpperToken type.
Extractor function object for IdentUpperToken type.
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
An alphanumeric token beginning with an alphabetic character that normally represents a name of something, that identifies something.
An alphanumeric token beginning with an alphabetic character that normally represents a name of something, that identifies something.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenShow all
Extractor object for IdentifierToken.
Extractor object for IdentifierToken.
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Common trait for RawBase10Token, NatOxToken and NatOyToken has the getIntStd method. This is the trait you would use in general purpose programming language, where raw hexadecimal and raw Bse32 numbers are disallowed.
Common trait for RawBase10Token, NatOxToken and NatOyToken has the getIntStd method. This is the trait you would use in general purpose programming language, where raw hexadecimal and raw Bse32 numbers are disallowed.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ValidFracTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10TokenShow all
Companion object for the IntStdToken trait, only contains an unapply method.
Companion object for the IntStdToken trait, only contains an unapply method.
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Extractor object for an Expre sequence with a name to be applied to ALphaBracket expressions.
Extractor object for an Expre sequence with a name to be applied to ALphaBracket expressions.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A hexadecimal token with a leading "0x", that can be used for standard 32 bit Ints, 64 bit Longs, as well as less used integer formats such as BigInteger and Byte. This is in accord with the principle that RSON at the Token and AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) levels stores data not code, although of course at the higher semantic levels it can be used very well for programming languages.
A hexadecimal token with a leading "0x", that can be used for standard 32 bit Ints, 64 bit Longs, as well as less used integer formats such as BigInteger and Byte. This is in accord with the principle that RSON at the Token and AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) levels stores data not code, although of course at the higher semantic levels it can be used very well for programming languages.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait NatStdTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait IntStdTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Function for parsing explicit Hexadecimal Token, one that begins with the characters '0x'.
Function for parsing explicit Hexadecimal Token, one that begins with the characters '0x'.
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A hexadecimal token with a leading "0y", that can be used for standard 32 bit Ints, 64 bit Longs, as well as less used integer formats such as BigInteger and Byte. This is in accord with the principle that RSON at the Token and AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) levels stores data not code, although of course at the higher semantic levels it can be used very well for programming languages.
A hexadecimal token with a leading "0y", that can be used for standard 32 bit Ints, 64 bit Longs, as well as less used integer formats such as BigInteger and Byte. This is in accord with the principle that RSON at the Token and AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) levels stores data not code, although of course at the higher semantic levels it can be used very well for programming languages.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait IntStdTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Function for parsing explicit Hexadecimal Token, one that begins with the charchters '0y'.
Function for parsing explicit Hexadecimal Token, one that begins with the charchters '0y'.
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A 64 bit natural number token in standard Base10 format, but which can be inferred to be a raw Hexadecimal. It can be used for standard 32 bit Ints and 64 bit Longs, as well as less used integer formats such as Byte. This is in accord with the principle that RSON at the Token and AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) levels stores data not code, although of course at the higher semantic levels it can be used very well for programming languages.
A 64 bit natural number token in standard Base10 format, but which can be inferred to be a raw Hexadecimal. It can be used for standard 32 bit Ints and 64 bit Longs, as well as less used integer formats such as Byte. This is in accord with the principle that RSON at the Token and AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) levels stores data not code, although of course at the higher semantic levels it can be used very well for programming languages.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait DigitSeqsCodetrait NatStdTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait RawBase10Tokentrait IntStdTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Common trait for RawBase10Token, NatOxToken and NatOyToken has the getIntStd method. This is the trait you would use in general purpose programming language, where raw hexadecimal and raw Bse32 numbers are disallowed.
Common trait for RawBase10Token, NatOxToken and NatOyToken has the getIntStd method. This is the trait you would use in general purpose programming language, where raw hexadecimal and raw Bse32 numbers are disallowed.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ValidPosFracTokentrait IntStdTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class Nat0xTokenclass NatBase10Token
Companion object for the NatStdToken trait, only contains an unapply method.
Companion object for the NatStdToken trait, only contains an unapply method.
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Negative natural number token. There must be no space between the '-' character and the digits.
Negative natural number token. There must be no space between the '-' character and the digits.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ValidRawHexaNegTokentrait RawBase10Tokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait IntStdTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A Token that can be a member of a operator expression. A Clause member that is not an operator. An OperatorToken can be a component of an operator expression which can be a member of an operator expression, but an operator can not be an operator expression member directly.
A Token that can be a member of a operator expression. A Clause member that is not an operator. An OperatorToken can be a component of an operator expression which can be a member of an operator expression, but an operator can not be an operator expression member directly.
- Supertypes
trait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokenclass DeciFracPosTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokenShow all
Operator precedence 0 Token.
Operator precedence 0 Token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait OperatorTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Operator precedence 1 Token begins with * / %.
Operator precedence 1 Token begins with * / %.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait OperatorTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An Operator token. Curently an expression, but I think the inheritance from Expr will be removed.
An Operator token. Curently an expression, but I think the inheritance from Expr will be removed.
- Supertypes
trait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Parenthesis close token.
Parenthesis close token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait BracketCloseTokentrait BracketTokentrait Tokentrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Parenthesis open token.
Parenthesis open token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait BracketOpentrait BracketTokentrait Tokentrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Parentheses, holds the open and close characters.
File path token.
File path token.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A raw base10 integer token, also valid as raw hexadecimal or raw base32, could be negative. Raw means not an 0x or 0y token.
A raw base10 integer token, also valid as raw hexadecimal or raw base32, could be negative. Raw means not an 0x or 0y token.
- Supertypes
trait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait IntStdTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class NatBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Token
A raw natural Base32 integer token starting with a digit that is not a valid hexadecimal and hence is not a decimal number either.
A raw natural Base32 integer token starting with a digit that is not a valid hexadecimal and hence is not a decimal number either.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A raw natural Base32 integer token starting with a digit that is not a valid hexadecimal and hence is not a decimal number either.
A raw natural Base32 integer token starting with a digit that is not a valid hexadecimal and hence is not a decimal number either.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Raw hexadecimal natural number token, starting with a digit that includes one or more 'A' .. 'F' digits.
Raw hexadecimal natural number token, starting with a digit that includes one or more 'A' .. 'F' digits.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ValidRawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Raw hexadecimal natural number token, starting with a digit that includes one or more 'A' .. 'F' digits.
Raw hexadecimal natural number token, starting with a digit that includes one or more 'A' .. 'F' digits.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait ValidRawHexaNegTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait EmptyExprTokentrait ExprSeqExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait OperatorTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Square braces, holds the open and close characters.
Square braces, holds the open and close characters.
- Supertypes
- Self type
Square bracket close token.
Square bracket close token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait BracketCloseTokentrait BracketTokentrait Tokentrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Square bracket open token.
Square bracket open token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait BracketOpentrait BracketTokentrait Tokentrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
The top level compositional unit of Syntax in CRON: Compact Readable Object Notation. A statement can be claused consisting of comma separated clauses containing a single expression. An empty statement is a special case of the UnClausedStatement where the semicolon character is the expression.
The top level compositional unit of Syntax in CRON: Compact Readable Object Notation. A statement can be claused consisting of comma separated clauses containing a single expression. An empty statement is a special case of the UnClausedStatement where the semicolon character is the expression.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class StatementEmptyclass StatementNoneEmpty
The Semicolon of the Empty statement is the expression of this special case of the unclaused statement
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A statement member is a Token except the semicolon, which is the statement delimiter and the braces, plus it includes blocks, As blocks contain a sequence of Statements but can themselves be part of a statement.
A statement member is a Token except the semicolon, which is the statement delimiter and the braces, plus it includes blocks, As blocks contain a sequence of Statements but can themselves be part of a statement.
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class AsignTokentrait AssignMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemExprTokenclass ColonExprtrait ColonMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokentrait CompoundClauseMemExprclass AlphaBracketExprtrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait BlockStatementsclass BracketedStructureclass FileStatementsclass StringStatementsclass ClausesExprclass InfixOpExprclass PreOpExprclass SpacedExprclass UnimplementedExprtrait ExprSeqExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait ClauseMemtrait ClauseMemTokenclass Dot2Tokenclass Dot3Tokenclass DotTokenclass ColonTokentrait Exprtrait CompoundExprclass AsignExprobject EmptyStringExprShow all
An un-claused Statement that is not the empty statement.
An un-claused Statement that is not the empty statement.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Statementtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait BlockStatementstrait ExprSeqNonEmptytrait ExprSeqExprtrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
An RSON token.
An RSON token.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait AssignMemExprTokentrait BlockMemTokenclass AsignTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait DigitSeqsCodeclass DeciFracPosTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait EmptyExprTokenclass CommaTokenclass SemicolonTokenclass UnderscoreTokenclass HashAlphaTokentrait OpExprMemTokenclass CharTokentrait DigitHeadTokentrait DigitHeadAlphaTokenclass DigitHeadAlphaTokenGentrait IdentifierTokentrait IdentLowerTokenclass IdentLowerHexaTokenclass IdentLowerOnlyTokenclass IdentUnderTokentrait IdentUpperTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass IdentUpperOnlyTokenclass PathTokenclass StringTokentrait ValidFracTokentrait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidIntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidPosFracTokentrait OperatorTokenclass OperatorPrec0Tokenclass OperatorPrec1Tokenclass SlashTokenclass Dot2Tokenclass Dot3Tokenclass DotTokenclass ColonTokentrait BracketTokentrait BracketCloseTokenclass CurlyCloseTokenclass ParenthCloseTokenclass SquareCloseTokentrait BracketOpenclass CurlyOpenTokenclass ParenthOpenTokenclass SquareOpenTokenShow all
Underscore / wild card token.
Underscore / wild card token.
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait EmptyExprTokentrait ExprSeqExprtrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait CompoundClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait CompoundExprtrait TextSpanCompoundtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Common trait for all tokens that can be valid hexadecimal natural numbers as well as valid base32 numbers.
Common trait for all tokens that can be valid hexadecimal natural numbers as well as valid base32 numbers.
- Supertypes
trait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class Nat0yTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass NatBase10Tokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokenShow all
A valid fractional number token. Could be an integer or a fractional number.
A valid fractional number token. Could be an integer or a fractional number.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait DeciFracTokenclass DeciFracNegTokenclass DeciFracPosTokentrait FloatPtTokenclass FloatPtNegTokenclass FloatPtPosTokentrait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10TokenShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Common trait for all tokens that can be valid hexadecimal natural numbers as well as valid base32 numbers.
Common trait for all tokens that can be valid hexadecimal natural numbers as well as valid base32 numbers.
- Supertypes
trait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class Nat0xTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NatBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokenShow all
The base trait for all integer tokens. A Natural (non-negative) number Token. It contains a single property, the digitStr. The digitStr depending on the class may be interpreted in 1 to 3 ways, as a normal decimal number, a hexadecimal number, or a trigdual (base 32) number.
The base trait for all integer tokens. A Natural (non-negative) number Token. It contains a single property, the digitStr. The digitStr depending on the class may be interpreted in 1 to 3 ways, as a normal decimal number, a hexadecimal number, or a trigdual (base 32) number.
- Supertypes
trait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait IntStdTokenclass Nat0yTokentrait NatStdTokenclass Nat0xTokenclass NatBase10Tokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokenclass RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokenShow all
A valid non-negative fractional number token
A valid non-negative fractional number token
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Token for base 32 natural number. All DecimalTokens are also legal base32 tokens, as well as all raw hexadecimal tokens. Base32 , '0' .. '9', followed by 'A' .. 'W' with letter 'O' unused. Some Alpha numeric terms are valid TrigDualInts.
Token for base 32 natural number. All DecimalTokens are also legal base32 tokens, as well as all raw hexadecimal tokens. Base32 , '0' .. '9', followed by 'A' .. 'W' with letter 'O' unused. Some Alpha numeric terms are valid TrigDualInts.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class RawBase32NegTokentrait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass NatBase10Tokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait RawBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokenShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait IdentUpperBase32Tokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass RawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass NatBase10Tokenclass RawHexaNatTokenShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Valid Raw natural number compatible with hexadecimal format. This trait exists for its natAsRawHexa method and the associated unapply method.in the companion object.
Valid Raw natural number compatible with hexadecimal format. This trait exists for its natAsRawHexa method and the associated unapply method.in the companion object.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
trait RawBase10Tokenclass NatBase10Tokenclass NegBase10Tokentrait ValidRawHexaNatTokenclass IdentUpperHexaTokenclass RawHexaNatTokentrait ValidRawHexaNegTokenclass RawHexaNegTokenShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Valid raw negative hexadecimal Int Token.
Valid raw negative hexadecimal Int Token.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait ValidRawBase32NatTokentrait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Valid raw negative hexadecimal Int Token.
Valid raw negative hexadecimal Int Token.
- Supertypes
trait ValidRawHexaIntTokentrait ValidRawBase32IntTokentrait ValidBase32IntTokentrait ValidHexaIntTokentrait ValidIntTokentrait OpExprMemTokentrait ClauseMemExprTokentrait ClauseMemTokentrait BlockMemTokentrait Tokentrait ClauseMemExprtrait ClauseMemtrait ColonMemExprtrait ColonOpMemtrait AssignMemExprtrait AssignMemtrait Exprtrait StatementMemtrait BlockMemtrait TextSpanclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class NegBase10Tokenclass RawHexaNegToken
Value members
Concrete methods
Returns an ErrBi of a sequence of Statements from a file. This uses the fromString method. Non-fatal exceptions or if the file doesn't exist will be returned as errors.
Returns an ErrBi of a sequence of Statements from a file. This uses the fromString method. Non-fatal exceptions or if the file doesn't exist will be returned as errors.
Returns an EMon of a sequence of Statements from a String.
Returns an EMon of a sequence of Statements from a String.
Max numbers for long and hexidecimal formats needs to be implemented
Max numbers for long and hexidecimal formats needs to be implemented