trait TellSimple extends Tell
All the leaves of this trait must be Singleton objects. They just need to implement the str method. This will normally be the name of the object, but sometimes, it may be a lengthened or shortened version of the singleton object name.
- Graph
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait Climatetrait Desertobject DesertColdobject DesertHotobject IceCapobject Saheltrait SemiAridobject Savannahobject Steppeobject Subtropicaltrait TemperateLikeobject Borealobject Continentaltrait Temperateobject Oceanicobject Tropicalobject Tundraobject LakeIceWintertrait LandUseobject CivMixobject Forestobject LandFreetrait Lelevtrait HillyLikeobject Hillyobject HillyLakestrait MountainsLikeobject Fjordedobject MountLakesobject Mountainstrait PlainLikeobject Plainobject PlainLakesobject SeaIcePermobject SeaIceWinterobject TerrainNonetrait WSepobject WSepNonetrait WSepSomeobject Scarptrait Waterobject Lakeobject Seatrait NorthSouthUpobject NorthUpobject SouthUptrait Polityobject Macedonobject Romeobject Spartatrait Factionobject Eriduobject Urukclass Characterobject CharacAobject CharacBobject CharacYobject CharacZtrait DungTerrobject Openobject Wallclass Factionobject Fact1object Fact2trait Polityobject Britainobject Deutchobject Franceobject Germanyobject Japanobject Prussiaobject Sovietobject Sovietstrait Draughttrait DarkDraughtobject DarkKingobject DarkMantrait Kingobject LightKingtrait LightDraughtobject LightMantrait Manclass Nationobject NBlueobject NOrangeobject NRedobject NVioletobject NoNationobject Turntrait Polityobject Britainobject Francetrait Polityobject Britainobject Franceobject Germanytrait ZugTerrtrait Buildingobject StoneBuildingobject WoodBuildingobject Hillobject Lakeobject Plainobject WheatField
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