
implicit class ErrBiStringImplicit[E <: Throwable](thisErrBi: ErrBi[E, String])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def findSetting[A](settingStr: String)(implicit ev: Unshow[A]): ErrBi[Throwable, A]
def findSettingElse[A : Unshow](settingStr: String, elseValue: => A): A
def findSomeSetting[A : Unshow](settingStr: String, elseValue: => A): A
def findSomeSettingElse[A : Unshow](settingStr: String, elseValue: => A): A
def findType[A](implicit ev: Unshow[A]): ErrBi[Throwable, A]

Extension method to map this ErrBi String to find a value of the given type from the String parsed as RSON.

Extension method to map this ErrBi String to find a value of the given type from the String parsed as RSON.


def findTypeElse[A](elseValue: => A)(implicit ev: Unshow[A]): A

Extension method to map this ErrBi String to find a value of the given type from the String parsed as RSON or return the elseValue if that fails.

Extension method to map this ErrBi String to find a value of the given type from the String parsed as RSON or return the elseValue if that fails.


def findTypeForeach[A : Unshow](f: A => Unit): Unit

Extension method to map this ErrBi String to find a value of the given type from the String parsed as RSON and then perform a foreach on the value if successful.

Extension method to map this ErrBi String to find a value of the given type from the String parsed as RSON and then perform a foreach on the value if successful.
