
See theColour companion class
object Colour

Companion object for Colour class, contains named values for the standard web colours and implicit instances for various type classes.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(argbValue: Int): Colour

The argbValue must start with 0xFF if the default full opacity is required. So 0xFFFF0000 gives full opacity Red

The argbValue must start with 0xFF if the default full opacity is required. So 0xFFFF0000 gives full opacity Red


def fromInts(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int, a: Int): Colour
def optStr(inp: Colour): Option[String]
def pairs: RArr[(Colour, Colour)]
def strElse(inp: Colour, elseStr: String): String

Concrete fields

named colors & values following CSS Color Module Level 4 - though names are UpperCamelCase here - plus 4 non standard colors: BrightSkyBlue, DarkYellow, LemonLime, LightRed

named colors & values following CSS Color Module Level 4 - though names are UpperCamelCase here - plus 4 non standard colors: BrightSkyBlue, DarkYellow, LemonLime, LightRed


val Aqua: Colour
val Azure: Colour
val Beige: Colour
val Bisque: Colour
val Black: Colour
val Blue: Colour
val Brown: Colour
val Coral: Colour
val Cyan: Colour
val Gold: Colour
val Gray: Colour
val Green: Colour
val Grey: Colour
val Indigo: Colour
val Ivory: Colour
val Khaki: Colour
val Lime: Colour
val Linen: Colour
val Maroon: Colour
val Olive: Colour
val Orange: Colour
val Orchid: Colour
val Peru: Colour
val Pink: Colour
val Plum: Colour
val Purple: Colour
val Red: Colour
val Salmon: Colour
val Sienna: Colour
val Silver: Colour
val Snow: Colour
val Tan: Colour
val Teal: Colour
val Tomato: Colour
val Violet: Colour
val Wheat: Colour
val White: Colour
val Yellow: Colour



implicit val eqImplicit: EqT[Colour]

Implicit EqT type class instance / evidence for Colour.

Implicit EqT type class instance / evidence for Colour.


implicit val showEv: Show[Colour]

Implicit Show type class instance / evidence for Colour.

Implicit Show type class instance / evidence for Colour.


implicit val unshowEv: Unshow[Colour]

Implicit Unshow type class instance / evidence for Colour.

Implicit Unshow type class instance / evidence for Colour.
