
trait RotateM3TPtPt[T] extends RotateM3T[T]

Implementations for Type class for 3D Metres geometric rotation transformations of objects of type T.


trait RotateM3T[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def fptp(obj: T, f: PtM3 => PtM3): T

Concrete methods

override def rotateXT(obj: T, angle: AngleVec): T

Rotate around the X axis, viewed from positive X. A positive angle is anti clockwise.

Rotate around the X axis, viewed from positive X. A positive angle is anti clockwise.


Definition Classes
override def rotateYT(obj: T, angle: AngleVec): T

Rotates this vector around the Y axis, viewed form positive Y through the given angle around the origin.

Rotates this vector around the Y axis, viewed form positive Y through the given angle around the origin.


Definition Classes
override def rotateZ180T(obj: T): T

Rotate 180 degrees around the Z axis.

Rotate 180 degrees around the Z axis.


Definition Classes
override def rotateZT(obj: T, angle: AngleVec): T

Rotate around the Z axis, viewed from positive Z. A positive angle is anti clockwise.

Rotate around the Z axis, viewed from positive Z. A positive angle is anti clockwise.


Definition Classes