
See theLatLong companion class
object LatLong

Companion object for the LatLong class. Contains factory methods for the creation of LatLong s.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(lat: Latitude, long: Longitude): LatLong

Factory apply method for LatLong, creates LatLong from a Latitude and a Longitude.

Factory apply method for LatLong, creates LatLong from a Latitude and a Longitude.


def degs(lat: Double, long: Double): LatLong

Factory method for LatLong, creates LatLong from the Double values for the Latitude and Longitude in degrees, where southern and western values are negative.

Factory method for LatLong, creates LatLong from the Double values for the Latitude and Longitude in degrees, where southern and western values are negative.


def milliSecs(lat: Double, long: Double): LatLong

Factory method for LatLong, creates LatLong from the Double values for the Latitude and Longitude in thousands of an arc second of a degree, where southern and western values are negative.

Factory method for LatLong, creates LatLong from the Double values for the Latitude and Longitude in thousands of an arc second of a degree, where southern and western values are negative.


def radians(latRadians: Double, longRadians: Double): LatLong

Factory method for LatLong, creates LatLong from the Double values for the Latitude and Longitude in radians, where southern and western values are negative.

Factory method for LatLong, creates LatLong from the Double values for the Latitude and Longitude in radians, where southern and western values are negative.


def secs(lat: Double, long: Double): LatLong

Factory method for LatLong, creates LatLong from the Double values for the Latitude and Longitude in arc seconds of a degree, where southern and western values are negative.

Factory method for LatLong, creates LatLong from the Double values for the Latitude and Longitude in arc seconds of a degree, where southern and western values are negative.




implicit val eqTImplicit: EqT[LatLong]
implicit def polygonLLPairbuildImplicit[A2](implicit ct: ClassTag[A2]): PolygonLLPairBuilder[A2]
implicit val showEv: ShowTellDbl2[LatLong]

Show type class instance / evidence for LatLong.

Show type class instance / evidence for LatLong.


implicit val unshowEv: UnshowDbl2[LatLong]

Unshow type class instance / evidence for LatLong.

Unshow type class instance / evidence for LatLong.
