
package ostrat.utiljvm

This package is for Java byte code targets.


Members list

Type members


implicit class DirPathAbsExtensions(val thisPath: DirsAbs)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
case class GitProj(path: String, projName: String)

A class for creating simple one module git projects, with Sbt Mill and hello world files.

A class for creating simple one module git projects, with Sbt Mill and hello world files.


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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trait ServletUtil


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def fileCopy(fromStr: String, toStr: String): ErrBi[Exception, FileCopied]

Function object apply method to get FileStatements from a Java build resource.

Function object apply method to get FileStatements from a Java build resource.


def fileWrite(path: DirsAbs, fileName: String, content: String): ErrBi[IOExc, FileWritten]

Writes the String given in the third parameter to the full path and filename given by the first name. Returns a successful message on success.

Writes the String given in the third parameter to the full path and filename given by the first name. Returns a successful message on success.


def fileWrite(pathName: String, content: String): ErrBi[IOExc, FileWritten]

Writes the String given in the third parameter to the full path and filename given by the first name. Returns a successful message on success.

Writes the String given in the third parameter to the full path and filename given by the first name. Returns a successful message on success.


def findDevSetting[A : Unshow](settingStr: String): ThrowMon[A]

Find a setting of the given name and type from the file DevSettings.rson.

Find a setting of the given name and type from the file DevSettings.rson.


def findDevSettingElse[A : Unshow](settingStr: String, elseValue: => A): A

Find a setting of the given name and type from the file DevSettings.rson, else return the given default value..

Find a setting of the given name and type from the file DevSettings.rson, else return the given default value..


Find a setting of the given name and return its Expr from the file DevSettings.rson.

Find a setting of the given name and return its Expr from the file DevSettings.rson.


Find the String for the Identifer value of o setting of the given name in the file DevSettings.rson.

Find the String for the Identifer value of o setting of the given name in the file DevSettings.rson.


def fromRsonFileFind[A : Unshow](fileName: String): ThrowMon[A]

Attempts to load a value of the specified type from an RSON format file.

Attempts to load a value of the specified type from an RSON format file.


def fromRsonFileFindElse[A : Unshow](fileName: String, elseValue: => A): A

Attempts to load a value of the specified type from an RSON format file, in case of failure returns the else default value.

Attempts to load a value of the specified type from an RSON format file, in case of failure returns the else default value.


def fromRsonFileFindForeach[A : Unshow](fileName: String, f: A => Unit): Unit

Attempts to find and load file, attempts to parse the file, attempts to find object of type A. If all stages successful, calls procedure (Unit returning function) with that object of type A

Attempts to find and load file, attempts to parse the file, attempts to find object of type A. If all stages successful, calls procedure (Unit returning function) with that object of type A


def homeWrite(dir: String, fileName: String, str: String): ErrBi[IOExc, FileWritten]

Write a String to a file in the subdirectory of the home directory.

Write a String to a file in the subdirectory of the home directory.


def loadTextFile(pathFileName: String): ThrowMon[String]

Attempts to load text file into a String.

Attempts to load text file into a String.


Possible path to the openstrat directory, if it can be found in Dev/User/DevSettings.rson file.

Possible path to the openstrat directory, if it can be found in Dev/User/DevSettings.rson file.


def projPathDo(f: DirsAbs => Unit): Unit

If the project path can be found in Dev/User/DevSettings.rson do the side effect function.

If the project path can be found in Dev/User/DevSettings.rson do the side effect function.


def saveTextFile(path: String, fileName: String, output: String): Unit

Saves text file to specified file at given path directory.

Saves text file to specified file at given path directory.


Needs removal.

Needs removal.


def settFromFile[A : Unshow](settingStr: String, fileName: String): ErrBi[Throwable, A]

Attempts to load the value of a setting of the specified name from a file.

Attempts to load the value of a setting of the specified name from a file.


def settFromFileElse[A : Unshow](settingStr: String, fileName: String, elseValue: A): A

Attempts to load the value of a setting of the specified name from a file, in case of failure returns the else default value.

Attempts to load the value of a setting of the specified name from a file, in case of failure returns the else default value.


If the project path can be found in Dev/User/DevSettings.rson do the side effect function.

If the project path can be found in Dev/User/DevSettings.rson do the side effect function.


Possible path to the staging directory for openstrat artifacts, if it can be found in Dev/User/DevSettings.rson file.

Possible path to the staging directory for openstrat artifacts, if it can be found in Dev/User/DevSettings.rson file.


Function object apply method to get statements from a Java build resource.

Function object apply method to get statements from a Java build resource.


Concrete fields

The resource folders and hence the developer settings folder are set in the build tool Sbt and Mill. They are not set in the code.

The resource folders and hence the developer settings folder are set in the build tool Sbt and Mill. They are not set in the code.


String for the user's home directory.

String for the user's home directory.




final implicit def DirPathAbsExtensions(thisPath: DirsAbs): DirPathAbsExtensions