
implicit class arrImplicit(statements: RArr[Statement]) extends TextSpan

Extension class for Arr[Statement].


trait TextSpan
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def boolAtIndex(index: Int): ExcMon[Boolean]

Extension methods tries to get an Boolean value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].

Extension methods tries to get an Boolean value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].


def dblAtIndex(index: Int): ExcMon[Double]

Extension methods tries to get a Double value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].

Extension methods tries to get a Double value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].


Find the sole Array[Int] expression from this Arr[Statement] extension method. Returns bad if absent or multiple Statements resolve to Expr[Array[Int]].

Find the sole Array[Int] expression from this Arr[Statement] extension method. Returns bad if absent or multiple Statements resolve to Expr[Array[Int]].


Finds an IntSetting [Expr] from this Arr[Statement] extension method.

Finds an IntSetting [Expr] from this Arr[Statement] extension method.


def findKeySetting[KT, VT](key: KT)(implicit evST: Unshow[KT], ev: Unshow[VT]): ExcMon[VT]

Find Setting of key type KT type T from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.

Find Setting of key type KT type T from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.


def findKeySettingElse[KT, VT](key: KT, elseValue: => VT)(implicit evST: Unshow[KT], ev: Unshow[VT]): VT

Find Setting of key type KT type T from this Arr[Statement] or return default value. Extension method.

Find Setting of key type KT type T from this Arr[Statement] or return default value. Extension method.


def findSetting[T](settingStr: String)(implicit ev: Unshow[T]): ExcMon[T]

Find Identifier setting of type T from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.

Find Identifier setting of type T from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.


def findSettingBool(settingStr: String): ExcMon[Boolean]

Find the Boolean setting of the given name, from this Arr[Statement] extension method. Returns bad if absent or multiple Statements resolve to Expr[Boolean].

Find the Boolean setting of the given name, from this Arr[Statement] extension method. Returns bad if absent or multiple Statements resolve to Expr[Boolean].


def findSettingDbl(settingStr: String): ExcMon[Double]

Find Setting of the given name and type Double from this Arr[Statement] Extension method.

Find Setting of the given name and type Double from this Arr[Statement] Extension method.


def findSettingElse[A](settingStr: String, elseValue: A)(implicit ev: Unshow[A]): A

Find identifier setting of value type T from this Arr[Statement] or return the default value parameter. Extension method

Find identifier setting of value type T from this Arr[Statement] or return the default value parameter. Extension method


Finds a setting [Expr] from this Arr[Statement] extension method.

Finds a setting [Expr] from this Arr[Statement] extension method.


def findSettingId(settingStr: String): ErrBi[Exception, String]

Find Identifier setting of an Identifier from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.

Find Identifier setting of an Identifier from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.


def findSettingIdElse(settingStr: String, elseStr: String): String

Find Identifier setting of an Identifier from this Arr[Statement] or use the default value provided. Extension method.

Find Identifier setting of an Identifier from this Arr[Statement] or use the default value provided. Extension method.


Find Identifier setting of an Identifier from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.

Find Identifier setting of an Identifier from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.


def findSettingInt(settingStr: String): ExcMon[Int]

Find Setting of the given name and type Int from this Arr[Statement] Extension method.

Find Setting of the given name and type Int from this Arr[Statement] Extension method.


def findSettingOrUniqueT[T](settingStr: String)(implicit ev: Unshow[T]): ErrBi[Exception, T]

Searches for the setting of the correct type. If not found it searches for a unique setting / value of the correct type.

Searches for the setting of the correct type. If not found it searches for a unique setting / value of the correct type.


def findSettingPosDbl(settingStr: String): ExcMon[Double]

Find Setting of the given name and type Double from this Arr[Statement] Extension method.

Find Setting of the given name and type Double from this Arr[Statement] Extension method.


def findType[A](implicit ev: Unshow[A]): ErrBi[ExcFind, A]

Find Statement of type T, if it's unique from this Arr[Statement] and return value.

Find Statement of type T, if it's unique from this Arr[Statement] and return value.


def findTypeElse[A](elseValue: A)(implicit ev: Unshow[A]): A

Find unique instance of type from RSON statement. The unique instance can be a plain value or setting. If no value or duplicate values found use elseValue.

Find unique instance of type from RSON statement. The unique instance can be a plain value or setting. If no value or duplicate values found use elseValue.


def intAtIndex(index: Int): ExcMon[Int]

Extension methods tries to get an Int value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].

Extension methods tries to get an Int value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].


def longAtIndex(index: Int): ExcMon[Long]

Extension methods tries to get anLong value from the statement at the specified index of thisRArr[Statement].

Extension methods tries to get anLong value from the statement at the specified index of thisRArr[Statement].


def natIntAtIndex(index: Int): ExcMon[Int]

Extension methods tries to get a natural non-negative Int value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].

Extension methods tries to get a natural non-negative Int value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].


def posDblAtIndex(index: Int): ExcMon[Double]

Extension methods tries to get a positive, non-negative Double value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].

Extension methods tries to get a positive, non-negative Double value from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].


def typeAtIndex[A](index: Int)(implicit ev: Unshow[A]): ExcMon[A]

Extension method tries to get value of specified type from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].

Extension method tries to get value of specified type from the statement at the specified index of this RArr[Statement].


Inherited methods

def failExc(detail: String): FailExc


Inherited from: