
See thePtKm3 companion class
object PtKm3

Companion object for the PtKm3 the 3 dimensional space point class. Contains factory methods and implicit type class instances.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(x: Length, y: Length, z: Length): PtKm3

Factory apply method for constructing 3D points specified in Kilometres, from its component axes specified in Lengths. if you want to construct from scalars use the kilometresNum method.

Factory apply method for constructing 3D points specified in Kilometres, from its component axes specified in Lengths. if you want to construct from scalars use the kilometresNum method.


def kilometres(xKilometres: Double, yKilometres: Double, zKilometres: Double): PtKm3

Factory method for constructing 3D points specified in Kilometres, from its component axes input as Lengths. if you want to construct from Length classes components use the apply method.

Factory method for constructing 3D points specified in Kilometres, from its component axes input as Lengths. if you want to construct from Length classes components use the apply method.




BuilderArrMap type class instance / evidence for PtKm3.

BuilderArrMap type class instance / evidence for PtKm3.


Implicit LineSegLikeBuilderMap type class instance / evidence for PtKm3 points. Note rhis is used to map to a LineSegKm3 not a LinsSegKm3Arr.

Implicit LineSegLikeBuilderMap type class instance / evidence for PtKm3 points. Note rhis is used to map to a LineSegKm3 not a LinsSegKm3Arr.


implicit def pairArrBuiderImplicit[B2](implicit ct: ClassTag[B2]): PtKm3PairArrMapBuilder[B2]

PolygonLikeBuilderMap type class instance evidence for PtKm3. This is used to map to a PolygonKm3.

PolygonLikeBuilderMap type class instance evidence for PtKm3. This is used to map to a PolygonKm3.


implicit def polygonPairBuilderImplicit[A2](implicit ct: ClassTag[A2]): PolygonKm3PairBuilder[A2]

Implicit instance for the PolygonKm3Pair builder. This has to go in the PtKm3 companion object so it can be found by an A => B function where PtKm3 is the type B parameter.

Implicit instance for the PolygonKm3Pair builder. This has to go in the PtKm3 companion object so it can be found by an A => B function where PtKm3 is the type B parameter.


implicit lazy val showEv: ShowDbl3[PtKm3]

Show type class instance / evidence for PTKm3.

Show type class instance / evidence for PTKm3.


implicit lazy val unshowEv: UnshowDbl3[PtKm3]

Unshow type class instance / evidence for PTKm3.

Unshow type class instance / evidence for PTKm3.
