Hex tile grids for Earth with a hex scale of 460km, a C scale of 115km. A hex tile area of 183250.975km². A maximum Isle size of 130458.946km² excludes Java 128297km², South Island(NZ) 150437km²,=. Isle13 111847.519km² => 130458.946km². Isle12 94667.740km² => 111847.519km². Isle11 78919.609km² => 94667.740km². Isle10 64603.127km² => 78919.609km². Isle9 51718.292km² => 64603.127km². Isle8 40265.106km² => 51718.292km². Isle7 30243.569km² => 40265.106km². Isle6 21653.679km² => 30243.569km². Isle5 14495.438km² => 21653.679km². Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Isle3 4473.900km² => 8768.845km². Less than 4473.900km². Faroes 1399km² + Shetlands 1467km².
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object for creating earth grids with 460km hexs, with a c scale of 160km.
object for creating earth grids with 460km hexs, with a c scale of 160km.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
An Earth grid covering a full 30 degree range of longitude for non-polar regions with a hex span of 460Km
An Earth grid covering a full 30 degree range of longitude for non-polar regions with a hex span of 460Km
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait EGrid460Sysclass EGridLongclass EGridtrait EGridSysclass HGridGentrait TellSeqLike[HCenRow]trait HGridtrait Telltrait Persisttrait HGridSystrait HexStructtrait TGridtrait TGridSystrait TCenStructclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
class EGrid460LongPart
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A main non-polar grid with a hex span of 460Km
A main non-polar grid with a hex span of 460Km
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Grid systems for 460km EGrids.
Grid systems for 460km EGrids.
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
trait EGrid460Systrait EGridLongMultitrait EGridMultitrait HGridMultitrait TGridMultitrait EGridSystrait HGridSystrait TGridSystrait HexStructtrait TCenStructclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- trait
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Supertypes
trait EGridLongPartclass EGrid460Longtrait EGrid460Sysclass EGridLongclass EGridtrait EGridSysclass HGridGentrait TellSeqLike[HCenRow]trait HGridtrait Telltrait Persisttrait HGridSystrait HexStructtrait TGridtrait TGridSystrait TCenStructclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
An Earth grid system where the hex tiles are 80km across. A C scale of 20km. Maybe a single hrx or multiple hex grids.
An Earth grid system where the hex tiles are 80km across. A C scale of 20km. Maybe a single hrx or multiple hex grids.
- Supertypes
trait EGridSystrait HGridSystrait TGridSystrait HexStructtrait TCenStructclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
Terrain data grid for EGrid460LongFulls.
Terrain data grid for EGrid460LongFulls.
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
object Terr460E0object Terr460E120object Terr460E150object Terr460E180object Terr460E30object Terr460E60object Terr460E90object Terr460W120object Terr460W150object Terr460W30object Terr460W60object Terr460W90Show all
460km terrain only scenario for Africa, Middle East and Europe. 4 460km grid system for 30°W, 0°E, 30°E and 60°E.
460km terrain only scenario for Africa, Middle East and Europe. 4 460km grid system for 30°W, 0°E, 30°E and 60°E.
- Supertypes
trait EScenLongMultitrait EScenBasictrait HSysScenclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
460km terrain only scenario for all longitudes grid system.
460km terrain only scenario for all longitudes grid system.
- Supertypes
trait EScenLongMultitrait EScenBasictrait HSysScenclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
460km terrain only scenario for the Atlantic and South America. 4 460km grid system for 90°W, 60°W, 30°W and 0°E.
460km terrain only scenario for the Atlantic and South America. 4 460km grid system for 90°W, 60°W, 30°W and 0°E.
- Supertypes
trait EScenLongMultitrait EScenBasictrait HSysScenclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
460km terrain only scenario for China - Japan. 3 460km grid system for 90°E, 120°E and 150°E
460km terrain only scenario for China - Japan. 3 460km grid system for 90°E, 120°E and 150°E
- Supertypes
trait EScenLongMultitrait EScenBasictrait HSysScenclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
460km terrain only scenario for the Date Line. 3 grids across the Dateline for 150°E, 180°E, and 150°W.
460km terrain only scenario for the Date Line. 3 grids across the Dateline for 150°E, 180°E, and 150°W.
- Supertypes
trait EScenLongMultitrait EScenBasictrait HSysScenclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
460km terrain only scenario for Europe. 2 Grid system for 0°E and 30°E.
460km terrain only scenario for Europe. 2 Grid system for 0°E and 30°E.
- Supertypes
trait EScenLongMultitrait EScenBasictrait HSysScenclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
460km terrain only scenario for India. 3 460km grid system for 90°E, 120°E and 150°E
460km terrain only scenario for India. 3 460km grid system for 90°E, 120°E and 150°E
- Supertypes
trait EScenLongMultitrait EScenBasictrait HSysScenclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
460km terrain only scenario for North America. 4 460km grid system for 150°W, 120°W, 90°W and 60°W
460km terrain only scenario for North America. 4 460km grid system for 150°W, 120°W, 90°W and 60°W
- Supertypes
trait EScenLongMultitrait EScenBasictrait HSysScenclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
WTile terrain terrain for 15° west to 15° east, centred on 0° east. Hex tile scale 460km. A hex tile area of 183250.975km². Isle10 57981.753km² => 120974.276km². Ireland Isle8 35075.382km² => 57981.753km². Sicily no hex available Isle6 21653.679km² = > 35075.382km². (Sardinia 24090 km²) + (Corsica 8722 km²) = 32812. Isle3 4473.900km² => 8768.845km² 4473.900km². Balearic Islands 5040km², Corsica no hex available. Faroes + Orkneys 2389km².
WTile terrain terrain for 15° west to 15° east, centred on 0° east. Hex tile scale 460km. A hex tile area of 183250.975km². Isle10 57981.753km² => 120974.276km². Ireland Isle8 35075.382km² => 57981.753km². Sicily no hex available Isle6 21653.679km² = > 35075.382km². (Sardinia 24090 km²) + (Corsica 8722 km²) = 32812. Isle3 4473.900km² => 8768.845km² 4473.900km². Balearic Islands 5040km², Corsica no hex available. Faroes + Orkneys 2389km².
- Supertypes
- Self type
460km WTile terrain terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. A hex tile area of 183250.975km². Isle 120974.276km² down to 57981.753km² Isle7 30243.569km² => 40265.106km². Sumbawa 15414km² + Flores 16231km² = 32645, Timor Island + Rote Island 32057.1km², Taiwan 36197km². Isle6 21653.679km² => 30243.569km². Halmahaera 22835km². Isle5 14495.438km² => 21653.679km². Seram 17843km², Samar 13429km² + Leyte 7367.6km² = 20796.6. Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Buru 12655km². Palawan 12189km², Sumba 11243km², Bali 5780km² + Lambok 4607km² = 9967km². Isle3 4473.900km² => 8768.845km². Alor 2724km² + Wetar 2651km² = 5375km².
460km WTile terrain terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. A hex tile area of 183250.975km². Isle 120974.276km² down to 57981.753km² Isle7 30243.569km² => 40265.106km². Sumbawa 15414km² + Flores 16231km² = 32645, Timor Island + Rote Island 32057.1km², Taiwan 36197km². Isle6 21653.679km² => 30243.569km². Halmahaera 22835km². Isle5 14495.438km² => 21653.679km². Seram 17843km², Samar 13429km² + Leyte 7367.6km² = 20796.6. Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Buru 12655km². Palawan 12189km², Sumba 11243km², Bali 5780km² + Lambok 4607km² = 9967km². Isle3 4473.900km² => 8768.845km². Alor 2724km² + Wetar 2651km² = 5375km².
- Supertypes
- Self type
WTile terrain terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. Hex tile scale 460km. Isle10 64603.127km² => 78919.609km². Tasmania 68401km² Isle7 30243.569km² => 40265.106km². New Britain 35144km². Isle6 21653.679km² => 30243.569km². New Caledonia 18353km². Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Solomon south east 12999km², Bougainville 9518km², New Ireland 8990km². Isle3 4473.900km² => 8768.845km². Solomon middle 6379km².
WTile terrain terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. Hex tile scale 460km. Isle10 64603.127km² => 78919.609km². Tasmania 68401km² Isle7 30243.569km² => 40265.106km². New Britain 35144km². Isle6 21653.679km² => 30243.569km². New Caledonia 18353km². Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Solomon south east 12999km², Bougainville 9518km², New Ireland 8990km². Isle3 4473.900km² => 8768.845km². Solomon middle 6379km².
- Supertypes
- Self type
WTile terrain terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. Hex tile scale 460km.
WTile terrain terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. Hex tile scale 460km.
- Supertypes
- Self type
WTile terrain for 15° east to 45° east, centred on 30° east. Hex tile scale 460km. A hex tile area of 183250975km². Isle9 51718.292km² => 64603.127km². Svalbard 62045km². Isle3 4473.900km² => 8768.845km². Crete 8450km².
WTile terrain for 15° east to 45° east, centred on 30° east. Hex tile scale 460km. A hex tile area of 183250975km². Isle9 51718.292km² => 64603.127km². Svalbard 62045km². Isle3 4473.900km² => 8768.845km². Crete 8450km².
- Supertypes
- Self type
WTile terrain terrain for 45° east to 75° east, centred on 60° east. Hex tile scale 460km.
WTile terrain terrain for 45° east to 75° east, centred on 60° east. Hex tile scale 460km.
- Supertypes
- Self type
WTile terrain terrain for 75° east to 105° east, centred on 90° east. Hex tile scale 460km. Isle10 64603.127km² => 78919.609km². Sri Lanka 65610km².
WTile terrain terrain for 75° east to 105° east, centred on 90° east. Hex tile scale 460km. Isle10 64603.127km² => 78919.609km². Sri Lanka 65610km².
- Supertypes
- Self type
WTile terrain terrain for 135° west to 115° west, centred on 120° wast. Hex tile scale 460km.
WTile terrain terrain for 135° west to 115° west, centred on 120° wast. Hex tile scale 460km.
- Supertypes
- Self type
WTile terrain terrain for 165° west to 135° west, centred on 150° wast. Hex tile scale 460km. Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Kodiak archipelago 13890km².
WTile terrain terrain for 165° west to 135° west, centred on 150° wast. Hex tile scale 460km. Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Kodiak archipelago 13890km².
- Supertypes
- Self type
WTile terrain terrain for 45° west to 15° west, centred on 30° wast. Hex tile scale 460km. Maximum Isle area is 120974.276km², which would include Iceland if it was centred. Isle3 from 8768.845km² down to 4473.900km² includes the Canaries.
WTile terrain terrain for 45° west to 15° west, centred on 30° wast. Hex tile scale 460km. Maximum Isle area is 120974.276km², which would include Iceland if it was centred. Isle3 from 8768.845km² down to 4473.900km² includes the Canaries.
- Supertypes
- Self type
WTile terrain terrain for 75° west to 45° west, centred on 60° wast. Hex tile scale 460km. Isle10 64603.127km² => 78919.609km². Hispaniola 76192km². Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Falkland Islands 12173km².
WTile terrain terrain for 75° west to 45° west, centred on 60° wast. Hex tile scale 460km. Isle10 64603.127km² => 78919.609km². Hispaniola 76192km². Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Falkland Islands 12173km².
- Supertypes
- Self type
460km WTile terrain terrain for 105° west to 75° west, centred on 90° wast. Hex tile area 183250.975km². Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Jamaica 10,991 km².
460km WTile terrain terrain for 105° west to 75° west, centred on 90° wast. Hex tile area 183250.975km². Isle4 8768.845km² => 14495.438km². Jamaica 10,991 km².
- Supertypes
- Self type