
trait HexStruct extends TCenStruct


trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def foreach(f: HCen => Unit): Unit

foreachs over each HCen hex tile centre, applying the side effecting function.

foreachs over each HCen hex tile centre, applying the side effecting function.


def hCenExists(r: Int, c: Int): Boolean

Boolean. True if the specified hex centre exists in this hex grid.

Boolean. True if the specified hex centre exists in this hex grid.


def hCoordExists(r: Int, c: Int): Boolean

Boolean. True if the specified hex centre exists in this hex grid.

Boolean. True if the specified hex centre exists in this hex grid.


def hSepExists(r: Int, c: Int): Boolean

Boolean. True if the specified hex separator exists in this hex grid.

Boolean. True if the specified hex separator exists in this hex grid.


def iForeach(f: (Int, HCen) => Unit): Unit

foreachs with index over each HCen hex tile centre, apply the side effecting function.

foreachs with index over each HCen hex tile centre, apply the side effecting function.


def iForeach(init: Int)(f: (Int, HCen) => Unit): Unit

foreachs with index over each HCen hex tile centre, apply the side effecting function.

foreachs with index over each HCen hex tile centre, apply the side effecting function.


def layerArrayIndex(r: Int, c: Int): Int

Gives the index into an Arr / Array of Tile data from its tile HCen. Use sideIndex and vertIndex methods to access Side and Vertex Arr / Array SeqDef data.

Gives the index into an Arr / Array of Tile data from its tile HCen. Use sideIndex and vertIndex methods to access Side and Vertex Arr / Array SeqDef data.


Concrete methods

final def flatMap[ArrT <: Arr[_]](f: HCen => ArrT)(implicit build: BuilderArrFlat[ArrT]): ArrT

flatMaps from all hex tile centre coordinates to an Arr of type ArrT. The elements of this array can not be accessed from this grid class as the TileGrid structure is lost in the flatMap operation.

flatMaps from all hex tile centre coordinates to an Arr of type ArrT. The elements of this array can not be accessed from this grid class as the TileGrid structure is lost in the flatMap operation.


final def hCenExists(hc: HCen): Boolean

Boolean. True if the HCen hex centre exists in this hex grid.

Boolean. True if the HCen hex centre exists in this hex grid.


def hCenExistsIfDo(hc: HCen)(proc: => Unit): Unit

If the given HCen exists within this HGridSys, perform the side effecting function.

If the given HCen exists within this HGridSys, perform the side effecting function.


def hCenExistsIfDo(r: Int, c: Int)(proc: => Unit): Unit

If the given HCen exists within this HGridSys, perform the side effecting function.

If the given HCen exists within this HGridSys, perform the side effecting function.


final def hCoordExists(hc: HCoord): Boolean

Boolean. True if the HCen hex centre exists in this hex grid.

Boolean. True if the HCen hex centre exists in this hex grid.


final def hSepExists(hc: HSep): Boolean

Boolean. True if the HSep hex separator exists in this hex grid.

Boolean. True if the HSep hex separator exists in this hex grid.


def hSepExistsIfDo(hc: HSep)(proc: => Unit): Unit

If the given HSep exists within this HGridSys, perform the side effecting function.

If the given HSep exists within this HGridSys, perform the side effecting function.


def hSepExistsIfDo(r: Int, c: Int)(proc: => Unit): Unit

If the given HCen exists within this HGridSys, perform the side effecting function.

If the given HCen exists within this HGridSys, perform the side effecting function.


final def ifFlatMap[ArrT <: Arr[_]](f1: HCen => Boolean)(f2: HCen => ArrT)(implicit build: BuilderArrFlat[ArrT]): ArrT

flatMaps from all hex tile centre coordinates to an Arr of type ArrT. The normal flatMap functions is only applied if the condtion of the first function is true.

flatMaps from all hex tile centre coordinates to an Arr of type ArrT. The normal flatMap functions is only applied if the condtion of the first function is true.


final def ifMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f1: HCen => Boolean)(f2: HCen => B)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Maps each Hcen to an element of type B, only if the predicate function on the HCen is true. Collects the true cases. In some cases this will be easier and more efficient than employing the optMap method.

Maps each Hcen to an element of type B, only if the predicate function on the HCen is true. Collects the true cases. In some cases this will be easier and more efficient than employing the optMap method.


final def layerArrayIndex(hc: HCen): Int

Gives the index into an Arr / Array of Tile data from its tile HCen. Use sideIndex and vertIndex methods to access Side and Vertex Arr / Array data.

Gives the index into an Arr / Array of Tile data from its tile HCen. Use sideIndex and vertIndex methods to access Side and Vertex Arr / Array data.


final def map[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: HCen => B)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Maps over the HCen hex centre tile coordinates. B is used rather than A as a type parameter, as this method maps from HCen => B, corresponding to the standard Scala map function of A => B.

Maps over the HCen hex centre tile coordinates. B is used rather than A as a type parameter, as this method maps from HCen => B, corresponding to the standard Scala map function of A => B.


def mapPair[B2](f2: HCen => B2)(implicit build: HCenPairArrMapBuilder[B2]): HCenPairArr[B2]

Maps each HCen of this hex grid system to an HCenPair. The first part of the pair is just the HCen, the second part of the pair is produced by the parameter function.

Maps each HCen of this hex grid system to an HCenPair. The first part of the pair is just the HCen, the second part of the pair is produced by the parameter function.


final def numCorners: Int

The number of HCorners in this HGridSys, 6 for each HCen.

The number of HCorners in this HGridSys, 6 for each HCen.


final def optMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: HCen => Option[B])(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Maps from all hex tile centre coordinates to an Arr of type ArrT. The elements of this array can not be accessed from this grid class as the TileGrid structure is lost in the flatMap operation.

Maps from all hex tile centre coordinates to an Arr of type ArrT. The elements of this array can not be accessed from this grid class as the TileGrid structure is lost in the flatMap operation.


def optMapPair[B2](f2: HCen => Option[B2])(implicit build: HCenPairArrMapBuilder[B2]): HCenPairArr[B2]

OptMaps each HCen of this hex grid system to an HCenPair.

OptMaps each HCen of this hex grid system to an HCenPair.


final override def yRatio: Double

The conversion factor for c column tile grid coordinates. 1.0 / sqrt(3).

The conversion factor for c column tile grid coordinates. 1.0 / sqrt(3).


Definition Classes

Inherited and Abstract methods

def numTiles: Int

The total number of tile centres in this tile Grid system.

The total number of tile centres in this tile Grid system.


Inherited from: