A trait that is showed by itself. for providing an alternative to toString. Using this trait can be convenient, but at some level of the inheritance the type must provide a Show type class instance. It is better for the Show type class instance to delegate to this trait than have the toString method delegate to the Show type class instance in the companion object. Potentially that can create initialisation order problems, but at the very least it can increase compile times. The capabilities of decimal place precision and explicit typing for numbers are placed defined here and in the corresponding Show type class although they have no meaning / purpose for many types, as separating them adds enormous complexity for very little gain.
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Persistclass Any
- Known subtypes
trait WTileclass Landobject SeaIcePermobject TerrainNonetrait Waterobject Lakeobject Seaobject SeaIceWintertrait AngleLikeclass Latitudeclass Longitudeclass Angleclass AngleVectrait HexRegclass HexRegImptrait Hexlignclass HexParrXclass HexParrYtrait HGridclass HGridGenclass EGridclass EGridLongclass EGrid120Longclass EGrid120LongPartclass EGrid13Longclass EGrid13LongPartclass EGrid160Longclass EGrid160LongPartclass EGrid220Longclass EGrid220LongPartclass EGrid320Longclass EGrid320LongPartclass EGrid460Longclass EGrid460LongPartclass EGrid640Longclass EGrid640LongPartclass EGrid80LongPartclass EGridMegaLongclass EGridMegaLongPartclass EGridLongFullclass EGrid120LongFullclass EGrid13LongFullclass EGrid160LongFullclass EGrid220LongFullclass EGrid320LongFullclass EGrid460LongFullclass EGrid640LongFullclass EGrid80LongFullclass EGridMegaLongFulltrait EGridLongPartclass HGridRectclass HCenRowLayer[A]trait TellNclass Counterobject CounterAobject CounterBobject CounterCobject CounterDobject CounterEclass LineSegclass Sqlignclass Armyclass HGViewtrait HexMemShow[A]class HCounterclass HSquadclass SGViewtrait SqMemShow[A]class SqCountertrait TellDbl2class LatLongtrait TellElemDbl2class PtM2trait Vec2Likeclass Pt2class Vec2trait length2Mclass Vec2Mtrait TellInt2trait TellElemInt2trait TCoordtrait HCoordtrait HNotVerttrait HCenOrSepclass HCentrait HSepclass HSepAclass HSepBclass HSepCclass HCoordOthertrait HVertclass HVertHighclass HVertLowtrait SqCoordtrait SqCenOrSepclass SqCenclass SqSepclass SqVerttrait TCenOrSeptrait TCentrait TSeptrait TVerttrait TellDbl3trait TellInt3class HCenRowtrait TellInt4trait TellSeqLike[Ae]trait TellSimpletrait Climateobject Borealtrait Desertobject DesertColdobject DesertHotobject IceCapobject Saheltrait SemiAridobject Savannahobject Steppeobject Subtropicaltrait Temperateobject Continentalobject Oceanicobject Tropicalobject Tundratrait LandUseobject CivMixobject Forestobject LandFreetrait Lelevobject Hillyobject HillyLakesobject MountLakesobject Mountainsobject Plainobject PlainLakestrait WSepobject WSepNonetrait WSepSomeobject Scarptrait Polityobject Macedonobject Romeobject Spartatrait Factionobject Eriduobject Urukclass Characterobject CharacAobject CharacBobject CharacYobject CharacZtrait DungTerrobject Openobject Wallclass Factionobject Fact1object Fact2trait Polityobject Britainobject Deutchobject Franceobject Germanyobject Japanobject Prussiaobject Sovietobject Sovietstrait Draughttrait DarkDraughtobject DarkKingobject DarkMantrait Kingobject LightKingtrait LightDraughtobject LightMantrait Manclass Nationobject NBlueobject NOrangeobject NRedobject NVioletobject NoNationobject Turntrait Polityobject Britainobject Francetrait Polityobject Britainobject Franceobject Germanytrait ZugTerrtrait Buildingobject StoneBuildingobject WoodBuildingobject Hillobject Lakeobject Plainobject WheatField
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