
implicit class ErrBiArrImplicit[E <: Throwable](thisBi: ErrBi[E, RArr[Statement]])

Extension class for ErrBi[Arr[Statement]].


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def findKeySettingElse[KT, VT](key: KT, elseValue: => VT)(implicit evST: Unshow[KT], ev: Unshow[VT]): VT

Find Setting of key type KT type T from this Arr[Statement] or return default value. Extension method.

Find Setting of key type KT type T from this Arr[Statement] or return default value. Extension method.


Find Identifier setting of an Identifier from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.

Find Identifier setting of an Identifier from this Arr[Statement]. Extension method.


def findType[A](implicit ev: Unshow[A]): ErrBi[Throwable, A]
def findTypeElse[A](elseValue: A)(implicit ev: Unshow[A]): A

Find unique instance of type from RSON statement. The unique instance can be a plain value or setting. If no value or duplicate values found use elseValue.

Find unique instance of type from RSON statement. The unique instance can be a plain value or setting. If no value or duplicate values found use elseValue.
