Extension methods for String. Brought into scope by the stringToImplicit method in the package object.
- Graph
- Supertypes
class AnyValtrait Matchableclass Any
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
Concatenates a space and then the other String.
Concatenates a space and then the other String.
Concaternates a newline character and then the other [String]].
Concaternates a newline character and then the other [String]].
Concaternates 2 newline characters and then the other [String]].
Concaternates 2 newline characters and then the other [String]].
Appends a colon character, a space then the operand String wit
Appends a colon character, a space then the operand String wit
Concatenates a '/' character and then the other String. Useful for constructing directory/ folder paths on the Web, Linux and Unix
Concatenates a '/' character and then the other String. Useful for constructing directory/ folder paths on the Web, Linux and Unix
Appends strings with a comma and space separator
Appends strings with a comma and space separator
Appends extra Strings to thisString separated by " ;".
Appends extra Strings to thisString separated by " ;".
encloses string in Curly brackets
encloses string in Curly brackets
encloses string in Square brackets
encloses string in Square brackets
Searches for Statement of type A. Can be a value of type A or a setting of a type A.
Searches for Statement of type A. Can be a value of type A or a setting of a type A.
Finds Statement of type A and returns value or returns the elseValue if not found.
Finds Statement of type A and returns value or returns the elseValue if not found.
Replaces the reserved HTML characters with their corresponding entities, in order to display XML code as text. Eg '>' is replaced by ">".
Replaces the reserved HTML characters with their corresponding entities, in order to display XML code as text. Eg '>' is replaced by ">".
Concatenates a newline special character followed by spaces to this string.
Concatenates a newline special character followed by spaces to this string.
Replaces newline characters into space characters.
Replaces newline characters into space characters.