
package ostrat.eg320

Hex tile grids for Earth with a hex scale of 320km, a C scale of 80km. A hex tile area of 88681.001km. A minimum Island area of 1/6 8313.844km, which88681.001 Tile13 54126.587km² => 63133.251km². Tile12 45812.743km² => 54126.587km². Tile11 38191.720km² => 45812.743km². Tile10 31263.517km² => 38191.720km². Tile9 25028.134km² => 31263.517km². Tile8 19485.571km² => 25028.134km². Tile7 14635.829km² => 19485.571km². Tile6 10478.907km² => 14635.829km². Tile5 7014.805km² => 10478.907km². Tile4 4243.524km² => 7014.805km². Tile3 2165.063km² => 4243.524km². includes Crete but excludes Zealand and Mallorca.


Members list

Type members


object BritReg320


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object EGrid320

object for creating earth grids with 320km hexs, with a c scale of 80km.

object for creating earth grids with 320km hexs, with a c scale of 80km.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
abstract class EGrid320Long(rBottomCen: Int, cenLongInt: Int, rowArray: Array[Int]) extends EGridLong, EGrid320Sys

An Earth grid covering a full 30 degree range of longitude for non-polar regions with a hex span of 320Km

An Earth grid covering a full 30 degree range of longitude for non-polar regions with a hex span of 320Km


trait EGrid320Sys
class EGridLong
class EGrid
trait EGridSys
class HGridGen
trait HGrid
trait Tell
trait Persist
trait HGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TGrid
trait TGridSys
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
object EGrid320Long


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
class EGrid320LongFull(rBottomCen: Int, rTopCen: Int, cenLongInt: Int) extends EGridLongFull

A main non-polar grid with a hex span of 320Km

A main non-polar grid with a hex span of 320Km


class EGridLong
class EGrid
trait EGridSys
class HGridGen
trait HGrid
trait Tell
trait Persist
trait HGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TGrid
trait TGridSys
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Grid systems for 320km EGrids.

Grid systems for 320km EGrids.


trait EGrid320Sys
trait EGridMulti
trait HGridMulti
trait TGridMulti
trait EGridSys
trait HGridSys
trait TGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
class EGrid320LongPart(rBottomCen: Int, rTopCen: Int, cenLongInt: Int, rowArray: Array[Int]) extends EGrid320Long, EGridLongPart


class EGrid320Long
trait EGrid320Sys
class EGridLong
class EGrid
trait EGridSys
class HGridGen
trait HGrid
trait Tell
trait Persist
trait HGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TGrid
trait TGridSys
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
trait EGrid320Sys extends EGridSys

An Earth grid system where the hex tiles are 80km across. A C scale of 20km. Maybe a single hrx or multiple hex grids.

An Earth grid system where the hex tiles are 80km across. A C scale of 20km. Maybe a single hrx or multiple hex grids.


trait EGridSys
trait HGridSys
trait TGridSys
trait HexStruct
trait TCenStruct
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
trait Long320Terrs extends LongTerrs

Terrain data grid for EGrid320LongFulls.

Terrain data grid for EGrid320LongFulls.


trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object Terr320E0
object Terr320E120
object Terr320E150
object Terr320E180
object Terr320E30
object Terr320E60
object Terr320E90
object Terr320W120
object Terr320W150
object Terr320W30
object Terr320W60
object Terr320W90
Show all
object Scen320Africa extends EScenLongMulti

320km terrain only scenario for Africa, Middle East and Europe. 4 grid system for 30°W 0°E, 30°E and 60°E.

320km terrain only scenario for Africa, Middle East and Europe. 4 grid system for 30°W 0°E, 30°E and 60°E.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type
object Scen320All extends EScenLongMulti

Just terrain scenario for all longitudes grid system.

Just terrain scenario for all longitudes grid system.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type

320km terrain only scenario for Atlantic and South America. 4 Grid system from 90°W to 0°E.

320km terrain only scenario for Atlantic and South America. 4 Grid system from 90°W to 0°E.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type

320km terrain only scenario for China - Japan. 3 grid system for 90°E, 120°E and 150°E

320km terrain only scenario for China - Japan. 3 grid system for 90°E, 120°E and 150°E


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type

320km terrain only scenario for the Date Line. 3 grids across the Dateline for 150°E, 180°E, and 150°W.

320km terrain only scenario for the Date Line. 3 grids across the Dateline for 150°E, 180°E, and 150°W.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type
object Scen320Europe extends EScenLongMulti

320km terrain only scenario for Europe. 2 grid system for 0°E and 30°E.

320km terrain only scenario for Europe. 2 grid system for 0°E and 30°E.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type
object Scen320India extends EScenLongMulti

320km terrain only scenario for India. 2 grid system for 60°E and 90°E.

320km terrain only scenario for India. 2 grid system for 60°E and 90°E.


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type

320km terrain only scenario for North America. 4 320km grid system for 150°W, 120°W, 90°W and 60°W

320km terrain only scenario for North America. 4 320km grid system for 150°W, 120°W, 90°W and 60°W


trait EScenBasic
trait HSysScen
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Self type
object Terr320E0 extends Long320Terrs

320km WTile terrain for 15° west to 15° east, centred on 0° east. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile9 25028.134km² => 31263.517km². Sicily 25711km². Tile8 19485.571km² => 25028.134km². Sardinia 24090km². Tile5 7014.805km² => 10478.907km². Canaries 7492km², Corsica 8722km². Tile4 4243.524km² => 7014.805km². Balearic Islands 5040km².

320km WTile terrain for 15° west to 15° east, centred on 0° east. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile9 25028.134km² => 31263.517km². Sicily 25711km². Tile8 19485.571km² => 25028.134km². Sardinia 24090km². Tile5 7014.805km² => 10478.907km². Canaries 7492km², Corsica 8722km². Tile4 4243.524km² => 7014.805km². Balearic Islands 5040km².


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320E120 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. Hex tile scale of 320km.

WTile terrain for 105° east to 135° east, centred on 120° east. Hex tile scale of 320km.


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320E150 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 135° east to 165° east, centred on 150° east. Hex tile scale of 320km.

WTile terrain for 135° east to 165° east, centred on 150° east. Hex tile scale of 320km.


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320E180 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 165° east to 165° west, centred on 180° east. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile4 4243.524km² => 7014.805km². St Lawrence Island 4640.1km². Tile3 2165.063km² => 4243.524km². Nunivak. 4226.8km2.

WTile terrain for 165° east to 165° west, centred on 180° east. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile4 4243.524km² => 7014.805km². St Lawrence Island 4640.1km². Tile3 2165.063km² => 4243.524km². Nunivak. 4226.8km2.


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320E30 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 15° east to 45° east, centred on 30° east. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile12 45812.743km² => 54126.587km². Spitsbergen-edge 46020km² Tile9 25028.134km² => 31263.517km². Sicily 25711km². Tile7 14635.829km² => 19485.571km². Nordauslandet 15125km². Tile5 7014.805km² => 10478.907km². Crete 8450 km². Cyprus 9251km².

WTile terrain for 15° east to 45° east, centred on 30° east. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile12 45812.743km² => 54126.587km². Spitsbergen-edge 46020km² Tile9 25028.134km² => 31263.517km². Sicily 25711km². Tile7 14635.829km² => 19485.571km². Nordauslandet 15125km². Tile5 7014.805km² => 10478.907km². Crete 8450 km². Cyprus 9251km².


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320E60 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 45° east to 75° east, centred on 60° east. Hex tile scale of 320km.

WTile terrain for 45° east to 75° east, centred on 60° east. Hex tile scale of 320km.


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320E90 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 75° east to 105° east, centred on 90° east. Hex tile scale of 320km.

WTile terrain for 75° east to 105° east, centred on 90° east. Hex tile scale of 320km.


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320W120 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 135° west to 105° wast, centred on 120° west. Hex tile scale of 320km.

WTile terrain for 135° west to 105° wast, centred on 120° west. Hex tile scale of 320km.


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320W150 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 165° west to 135° wast, centred on 150° west. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile6 10478.907km² => 14635.829km². Kodiak archipelago 13890km².

WTile terrain for 165° west to 135° wast, centred on 150° west. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile6 10478.907km² => 14635.829km². Kodiak archipelago 13890km².


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320W30 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 45° west to 15° wast, centred on 30° west. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile5 7014.805km² => 10478.907km². Canaries 7492km².

WTile terrain for 45° west to 15° wast, centred on 30° west. Hex tile scale of 320km. Tile5 7014.805km² => 10478.907km². Canaries 7492km².


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320W60 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 75° west to 45° wast, centred on 60° west. Hex tile scale of 320km.

WTile terrain for 75° west to 45° wast, centred on 60° west. Hex tile scale of 320km.


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object Terr320W90 extends Long320Terrs

WTile terrain for 105° west to 75° wast, centred on 90° west. Hex tile scale of 320km.

WTile terrain for 105° west to 75° wast, centred on 90° west. Hex tile scale of 320km.


trait Long320Terrs
trait LongTerrs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type