

Trait for Array[Int] backed classes. The purpose of this trait is to allow for collections of this class to be stored with their underlying Array[Int]s.


class Any
Known subtypes
class HStepPath
class PolygonHC
trait SeqLikeIntN[A]
trait ArrIntN[A]
trait ArrInt1[A]
class HStepArr
class HStepLikeArr
class HVDirnArr
class SqStepArr
class ColourArr
trait ArrInt2[A]
class HCenArr
class HCoordArr
class HSepArr
class HVertArr
class SqCenArr
class SqCoordArr
class SqVertArr
trait ArrInt3[A]
class HCenRowArr
class HCenStepArr
class HStepCenArr
class HvOffsetArr
class SqCenStepArr
trait ArrInt4[A]
class LineSegHCArr
class LineSegSCArr
trait ArrInt5[A]
trait ArrInt6[A]
trait SeqLikeInt1[A]
trait SeqSpecInt1[A]
trait SeqLikeInt2[A]
class LinePathHC
trait HVertSeqLike
class PolygonSqC
trait SeqSpecInt2[A]
trait LinePathInt2[VT]
trait PolygonLikeInt2[VT]
class HTilePolygon
trait SeqLikeInt3[A]
trait SeqSpecInt3[A]
trait PolygonLikeInt3[VT]
trait SeqLikeInt4[A]
trait SeqSpecInt4[A]
trait SeqLikeInt5[A]
trait SeqSpecInt5[A]
trait SeqLikeInt6[A]
trait SeqSpecInt6[A]
trait SeqSpecIntN[A]
trait LinePathIntN[VT]
trait PolygonLikeIntN[VT]
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Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

The backing Array[Int] of this collection class. End users should not normally need to interact with this directly.

The backing Array[Int] of this collection class. End users should not normally need to interact with this directly.


Concrete methods

final def arrayLen: Int

The length of the backing Array.

The length of the backing Array.
