Companion object for the Square trait. However its apply methods delegate to the SquareImp implementation class.
Members list
Type members
The class for a generalised square. If you want a square aligned XY axes use Sqlign. The square can be translated, scaled, reflected and rotated while remaining a Square.
The class for a generalised square. If you want a square aligned XY axes use Sqlign. The square can be translated, scaled, reflected and rotated while remaining a Square.
- Supertypes
trait Squaretrait Rectangletrait Quadrilateraltrait Polygon4Plustrait Polygon3Plustrait Polygontrait PolygonLikeDbl2[Pt2]trait PolygonLikeDblN[Pt2]trait PolygonValueN[Pt2]trait PolygonLike[Pt2]trait Pt2SeqSpectrait SeqSpecDbl2[Pt2]trait SeqSpecDblN[Pt2]trait SeqSpecValueN[Pt2]trait Pt2SeqLiketrait SeqLikeDbl2[Pt2]trait SeqLikeDblN[Pt2]trait ArrayDblBackedtrait SpecialTtrait SeqLikeValueN[Pt2]trait PointDbl2SeqLike[Pt2]trait PointDblNSeqLike[Pt2]trait PointSeqLike[Pt2]trait Equalstrait ShapeCentredtrait CentredElemtrait WithCentretrait Shapetrait BoundedElemtrait Fillabletrait Drawabletrait GeomElemclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Value members
Concrete methods
Factory method for the creation of [Squares in the general case where the square is not aligned to the X and Y axis. The method takes the square's scalar width followed by its rotation specified in AngleVec. If no further arguments are supplied the square will positioned with its centre at the axes centre. Otherwise the rotation can be followed by a centre point Pt2 or the X and Y positions of the square's centre. If you want to create a square aligned to the axes, then you are probably better using the Sqlign factory apply method.
Factory method for the creation of [Squares in the general case where the square is not aligned to the X and Y axis. The method takes the square's scalar width followed by its rotation specified in AngleVec. If no further arguments are supplied the square will positioned with its centre at the axes centre. Otherwise the rotation can be followed by a centre point Pt2 or the X and Y positions of the square's centre. If you want to create a square aligned to the axes, then you are probably better using the Sqlign factory apply method.
Factory method for the creation of [Squares in the general case where the square is not aligned to the X and Y axis. The method takes the square's scalar width followed by its rotation specified in AngleVec. If no further arguments are supplied the square will positioned with its centre at the axes centre. Otherwise the rotation can be followed by a centre point Pt2 or the X and Y positions of the square's centre. If you want to create a square aligned to the axes, then you are probably better using the Sqlign factory apply method.
Factory method for the creation of [Squares in the general case where the square is not aligned to the X and Y axis. The method takes the square's scalar width followed by its rotation specified in AngleVec. If no further arguments are supplied the square will positioned with its centre at the axes centre. Otherwise the rotation can be followed by a centre point Pt2 or the X and Y positions of the square's centre. If you want to create a square aligned to the axes, then you are probably better using the Sqlign factory apply method.
- Definition Classes
Scale the Square and position (translate) it. This method is equivalent to scaling the icon and then translating (repositioning) it.
Scale the Square and position (translate) it. This method is equivalent to scaling the icon and then translating (repositioning) it.
- Definition Classes
Scale the Shape and position (translate) it. This method is equivalent to scaling the icon and then translating (repositioning) it.
Scale the Shape and position (translate) it. This method is equivalent to scaling the icon and then translating (repositioning) it.
- Definition Classes