
trait ValueNElem extends SpecialT

A class that can be constructed from a fixed number of homogeneous primitive values such as Ints, Doubles or Longs. The final class can be stored as * an Array of primitive values. Note the classes that extend this trait do not extend Product or its numbered sub traits, because the logical size of the product may not be the same as the number of primitive values, for example a LineSeg is a product of 2 Pt2s, but is composed from 4 Double values.


trait SpecialT
class Any
Known subtypes
trait LineSegLike[VT]
trait LineSegLikeDblN[VT]
trait LineSegLikeDbl4[VT]
class LineSegLL
class LineSeg
class LineSegM2
trait LineSegLikeDbl6[VT]
class LineSeg3
trait LineSegLikeIntN[VT]
trait LineSegLikeInt4[VT]
class LineSegHC
class LineSegSC
trait LineSegLikeInt6[VT]
class LineSegM3
trait DblNElem
trait PointDblN
trait PointDbl2
class LatLong
class Pt2
class PtM2
trait PointDbl3
class Pt3
class PtM3
trait Dbl1Elem
class Angle
trait AngleLike
class Latitude
class Longitude
class AngleVec
trait Dbl2Elem
class MyDbl2Elem
trait TellElemDbl2
trait Vec2Like
class Vec2
trait length2M
class Vec2M
trait Dbl3Elem
trait Vec3Like
class Vec3
trait Dbl4Elem
trait Dbl5Elem
trait Dbl6Elem
trait Dbl7Elem
class CurveTail
trait IntNElem
trait Int1Elem
trait LuUniLevel
object ArmyGroup
object Battalette
object Battalion
object Brigade
object Company
object Corpette
object Corps
object Divisette
object Division
object Echelon
object FieldArmette
object FieldArmy
object FirePair
object FireTeam
object LunitSole
object Platoon
object Regiment
object Squadette
object TheatreArmy
object ZugSect
trait HVDirnOpt
trait HVDirn
object HVDL
object HVDR
object HVDn
object HVUL
object HVUR
object HVUp
object HVLt
object HVRt
object HVExact
trait TStepLike
trait HStepLike
trait HStep
object HexDL
object HexDR
object HexLt
object HexRt
object HexUL
object HexUR
object HStepStay
trait SqStepLike
trait SqStep
trait SqStepDiag
object SqDL
object SqDR
object SqUL
object SqUR
trait SqStepPerp
object SqDn
object SqLt
object SqRt
object SqUp
object SqStepStay
trait TStepSided
class Colour
class MTime
trait Int2Elem
trait TellElemInt2
trait TCoord
trait HCoord
trait HNotVert
trait HCenOrSep
class HCen
trait HSep
class HSepA
class HSepB
class HSepC
class HCoordOther
trait HVert
class HVertHigh
class HVertLow
trait SqCoord
trait SqCenOrSep
class SqCen
class SqSep
class SqVert
trait TCenOrSep
trait TCen
trait TSep
trait TVert
trait Int3Elem
class HCenRow
class HCenStep
class HStepCen
class HvOffset
class SqCenStep
trait Int4Elem
trait Int5Elem
trait Int6Elem
trait LongNElem
trait Long1Elem
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