
trait Tell extends Persist

A trait that is showed by itself. for providing an alternative to toString. Using this trait can be convenient, but at some level of the inheritance the type must provide a Show type class instance. It is better for the Show type class instance to delegate to this trait than have the toString method delegate to the Show type class instance in the companion object. Potentially that can create initialisation order problems, but at the very least it can increase compile times. The capabilities of decimal place precision and explicit typing for numbers are placed defined here and in the corresponding Show type class although they have no meaning / purpose for many types, as separating them adds enormous complexity for very little gain.


trait Persist
class Any
Known subtypes
trait WTile
class Land
object SeaIcePerm
object TerrainNone
trait Water
object Lake
object LakeIceWinter
object Sea
object SeaIceWinter
trait AngleLike
class Latitude
class Longitude
class Angle
class AngleVec
trait HexReg
class HexRegImp
trait Hexlign
class HexParrX
class HexParrY
trait HGrid
class HGridGen
class EGrid
class EGridLong
class EGrid120Long
class EGrid13Long
class EGrid160Long
class EGrid220Long
class EGrid320Long
class EGrid460Long
class EGrid640Long
class HGridRect
trait Tell2Repeat[A1, A2]
class HCenRowLayer[A]
trait TellDblBased
trait AreaMetric
class Hectares
class Kilares
class Metrares
trait LengthMetric
class Gigametres
class Kilometres
class Megametres
class Metres
trait TellN
trait Tell2Plused[A1, A2]
trait Tell2[A1, A2]
class LineSeg
class Sqlign
trait HexMemShow[A]
class SGView
trait SqMemShow[A]
trait TellDbl2
class LatLong
trait TellElemDbl2
class PtKm2
class PtM2
trait VecPt2
class Pt2
class Vec2
trait VecPtLength2
trait PtLength2
trait VecLength2
class VecKm2
class VecM2
trait VecPtKm2
trait VecPtM2
trait TellInt2
trait TellElemInt2
trait TCoord
trait HCoord
trait HNotVert
trait HCenOrSep
class HCen
trait HSep
class HSepA
class HSepB
class HSepC
class HCoordOther
trait HVert
class HVertHigh
class HVertLow
trait SqCoord
trait SqCenOrSep
class SqCen
class SqSep
class SqVert
trait TCenOrSep
trait TCen
trait TSep
trait TVert
trait Tell3Plused[A1, A2, A3]
trait Tell3[A1, A2, A3]
class HGView
trait TellDbl3
trait TellInt3
class HCenRow
trait Tell4Plused[A1, A2, A3, A4]
trait Tell4[A1, A2, A3, A4]
trait TellInt4
trait TellSeqLike[Ae]
trait TellSimple
trait Climate
trait Desert
object DesertCold
object DesertHot
object IceCap
object Sahel
trait SemiArid
object Savannah
object Steppe
object Subtropical
object Boreal
object Continental
trait Temperate
object Oceanic
object Tropical
object Tundra
trait LandUse
object CivMix
object Forest
object LandFree
trait Lelev
trait HillyLike
object Hilly
object HillyLakes
object Fjorded
object MountLakes
object Mountains
trait PlainLike
object Plain
object PlainLakes
trait WSep
object WSepNone
trait WSepSome
object Scarp
trait NorthSouthUp
object NorthUp
object SouthUp
object Turn
Show all

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def str: String

The most basic Show method, paralleling the strT method on ShowT type class instances.

The most basic Show method, paralleling the strT method on ShowT type class instances.


def tell(style: ShowStyle, maxPlaces: Int, minPlaces: Int): String

Intended to be a multiple parameter comprehensive Show method. Intended to be paralleled by show method on Show type class instances.

Intended to be a multiple parameter comprehensive Show method. Intended to be paralleled by show method on Show type class instances.


def tellDepth: Int

The syntactic depth of the tell String for this object.

The syntactic depth of the tell String for this object.


Concrete methods

def str0: String

Show with decimal precision of 0 places.

Show with decimal precision of 0 places.


def str1: String

Show with decimal precision of 1 place padding with a zero if necessary.

Show with decimal precision of 1 place padding with a zero if necessary.


def str2: String

Show with decimal precision of 2 places padding with zeros if necessary.

Show with decimal precision of 2 places padding with zeros if necessary.


def str3: String

Show with decimal precision of 3 places padding with zeros if necessary.

Show with decimal precision of 3 places padding with zeros if necessary.


override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes

Inherited methods

This property determines if the type can be used with Multiple syntax.

This property determines if the type can be used with Multiple syntax.

MyObj * 7

. for describing sequences succinctly. This is not desirable for some types such as numerical and mathematical vector types as this could be confusing 3 * 4 should resolve to an Int of value 12, not a Multiple(3, 4).


Inherited from:

Inherited and Abstract methods

The type of the object to be persisted.

The type of the object to be persisted.


Inherited from: