
trait Int2Elem extends IntNElem

An object that can be constructed from 2 Ints. These are used in ArrInt2 Array[Int] based collections.


trait IntNElem
trait ValueNElem
trait SpecialT
class Any
Known subtypes
trait TellElemInt2
trait TCoord
trait HCoord
trait HNotVert
trait HCenOrSep
class HCen
trait HSep
class HSepA
class HSepB
class HSepC
class HCoordOther
trait HVert
class HVertHigh
class HVertLow
trait SqCoord
trait SqCenOrSep
class SqCen
class SqSep
class SqVert
trait TCenOrSep
trait TCen
trait TSep
trait TVert
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Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def int1: Int
def int2: Int

Concrete methods

override def intBufferAppend(buffer: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Unit

Utility method to append this element on to an ArrayBuffer[Int]. End users should rarely need to use this method. This is useful for methods like filter.

Utility method to append this element on to an ArrayBuffer[Int]. End users should rarely need to use this method. This is useful for methods like filter.


Definition Classes
override def intForeach(f: Int => Unit): Unit

Performs the side effecting function on each Double in this Product element.

Performs the side effecting function on each Double in this Product element.


Definition Classes