
class SequExtensions[A](val al: Sequ[A])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def flatMapPolygon[B, BB <: PolygonLike[B]](f: A => SeqLike[B])(implicit build: PolygonLikeFlatBuilder[B, BB]): BB

FlatMaps the elements of tbis sequence to PolygonLike vertices, returning a PolygonLike class of type BB.

FlatMaps the elements of tbis sequence to PolygonLike vertices, returning a PolygonLike class of type BB.


def iFlatMapPolygon[B, BB <: PolygonLike[B]](f: (Int, A) => SeqLike[B])(implicit build: PolygonLikeFlatBuilder[B, BB]): BB

FlatMaps with index the elements of tbis sequence to PolygonLike vertices, returning a PolygonLike class of type BB.

FlatMaps with index the elements of tbis sequence to PolygonLike vertices, returning a PolygonLike class of type BB.


def mapLinePath[B <: ValueNElem, BB <: LinePathLike[B]](f: A => B)(implicit build: LinePathBuilder[B, BB]): BB

Map this collection of data elements to LinePathLike class of type BB.

Map this collection of data elements to LinePathLike class of type BB.


def mapPolygon[B <: ValueNElem, BB <: PolygonLike[B]](f: A => B)(implicit build: PolygonLikeBuilderMap[B, BB]): BB

Maps the elements of tbis sequence to PolygonLike vertices, returning a PolygonLike class of type BB.

Maps the elements of tbis sequence to PolygonLike vertices, returning a PolygonLike class of type BB.


def toLinePath[AA <: LinePathLike[A]](implicit build: LinePathBuilder[A, AA]): AA

Converts this collection of data elements to LinePathLike class of type BB.

Converts this collection of data elements to LinePathLike class of type BB.


def toPolygon[AA <: PolygonLike[A]](implicit build: PolygonLikeBuilderMap[A, AA]): AA

Converts this collection of data elements to PolygonLike class of type BB.

Converts this collection of data elements to PolygonLike class of type BB.


Concrete fields

val al: Sequ[A]